
Job Management Partner 1 Version 10 Job Management Partner 1/Base User's Guide

5.6.1 Operations that result in changes to the common definition information on the primary node and how to apply the settings to the secondary node

The table below shows the operations that result in changes to the common definition information, and how to carry those changes over to the common definition information on the secondary node. Note that the operations listed in the table affect JP1/Base and all products for which JP1/Base is a prerequisite. We also recommend that you back up the common definition information before and after making any changes. For details on how to back up the common definition, see 3.5.2 Backup and recovery (in Windows) or 3.5.3 Backup and recovery (in UNIX).

Table 5‒4: Operations that update common definition information on the primary node and how to apply the setting to the secondary node


Action on primary node

Application to secondary node

General JP1/Base settings

Changing the common definition information for JP1/Base or a product with JP1/Base as a prerequisite (JP1/IM, JP1/AJS, or JP1/Power Monitor).

See (1) When common definition information is changed.

User mapping information

Changing user mapping information using the jbsmkumap command, the jbssetumap command, or the GUI.

See (1) When common definition information is changed.

Deleting user mapping information using the jbsmkumap command, jbsrmumap command, or the GUI.

See (2) When user mapping information is deleted.

Changing or deleting user mapping information using the jbsmkumap command, the jbssetumap command, the jbsrmumap command, or the GUI.

See (1) When common definition information is changed and

(2) When user mapping information is deleted.

Password information for OS users

Changing password information for OS users using the jbsmkpass command, the jbsumappass command, or the jbspassmgr command.

See (1) When common definition information is changed.

Deleting password information for OS users using the jbsmkpass command, the jbsrmumappass command, or the jbspassmgr command.

See (3) When OS user password information is deleted.

Changing or deleting password information for OS users using the jbsmkpass command, the jbsumappass command, the jbsrmumappass command, or the jbspassmgr command.

See (1) When common definition information is changed and

(3) When OS user password information is deleted.

jp1hosts information

Changing jp1hosts information using the jbshostsimport command.

See (1) When common definition information is changed.

Deleting jp1hosts information using the jbshostsimport command.

See (4) When jp1hosts information is deleted.

Changing or deleting jp1hosts information using the jbshostsimport command.

See (1) When common definition information is changed and

(4) When jp1hosts information is deleted.

Directory server linkage

Changing a linked directory server using the jbschgds command.

See (1) When common definition information is changed.

Command execution

Setting up the command execution environment using the jcocmddef command.

See (1) When common definition information is changed.

After using the jcocmddef command to set up the command execution environment, specifying the command with the -group option to delete a host or host group.

See (5) When a host or host group is deleted in the command execution environment.

Organization of this subsection

(1) When common definition information is changed

When changes are made to the common definition information by one of the operations listed in Table 5-4, you need to make the common definition information consistent on the primary and secondary nodes. If several of the operations in Table 5-4 are executed in succession, you only need to perform this procedure once to apply all the changes to the common definition information on the secondary node.

  1. On the primary node, back up the common definition information by executing the jbsgetcnf command.

    Execute the command as follows:

    jbsgetcnf -h logical-host-name > backup-file-name

    Note that the logical host name must be correctly specified with lower or upper case as specified when the logical host was set up.

  2. Copy the backup file to the secondary node.

  3. Execute the jbssetcnf command on the secondary node with the backup file specified as a command argument.

    Execute the command as follows:

    jbssetcnf backup-file-name

(2) When user mapping information is deleted

If you used the jbsmkumap or jbsrmumap command or the GUI to delete user mapping information, use the following procedure to make the common definition consistent between the primary and secondary nodes:

  1. On the primary node, execute the jbsgetumap command to back up the user mapping information.

    Execute the command as follows:

    jbsgetumap -h logical-host-name > backup-file-name
  2. Copy the backup file to the secondary node.

  3. Execute the jbsmkumap command on the secondary node with the backup file specified as a command argument.

    Execute the command as follows:

    jbsmkumap -h logical-host-name -f backup-file-name

(3) When OS user password information is deleted

If you used the jbsmkpass, jbsrmumappass, or jbspassmgr command to delete password information for OS users, use the procedures below to make the common definition consistent on the primary and secondary nodes. Note that the way in which you apply the changes to the common definition information on the secondary node differs for each command.

(a) When an OS user is deleted by the jbspassmgr command

On the secondary node, execute the jbspassmgr command to delete the registered user you deleted from the primary node.

(b) When an OS user is deleted by the jbsrmumappass command

On the secondary node, execute the jbsrmumappass command to delete the OS user you deleted from the primary node.

(c) When an OS user is deleted by the jbsmkpass command

Use the following procedure to make the common definition consistent between the primary and secondary nodes:

  1. Copy the password definition file used on the primary node to the secondary node.

  2. Execute the jbsmkpass command on the secondary node with the password definition file specified as a command argument.

    Execute the command as follows:

    jbsmkpass -h logical-host-name -f password-definition-file

(4) When jp1hosts information is deleted

If you used the jbshostsimport command to delete jp1hosts information, use the following procedure to make the common definition consistent between the primary and secondary nodes:

  1. On the primary node, back up the jp1hosts information by executing the jbshostsexport command.

    Execute the command as follows:

    jbshostsexport -h logical-host-name > backup-file-name
  2. Copy the backup file to the secondary node.

  3. Execute the jbshostsimport command on the secondary node with the backup file specified as a command argument.

    Execute the command as follows:

    jbshostsimport -h logical-host-name -r backup-file-name

In an environment in which jp1hosts2 information is registered, also specify the -f option when executing the jbshostsimport command. For details on the jbshostsimport command, see jbshostsimport in 15. Commands.

(5) When a host or host group is deleted in the command execution environment

If you use the jcocmddef command to set up the command execution environment and then specify the command with the -group option to delete a host or host group, use the following procedure to make the common definition consistent between the primary and secondary nodes:

  1. Copy the host group definition file from the primary node to the secondary node.

  2. Execute the jcocmddef command on the secondary node with the host group definition file specified as a command argument.

    Execute the command as follows:

    jcocmddef -host logical-host-name -group host-group-definition-file