
Hitachi Navigation Platform Development Guide

B.1 Suppressing execution of I/O Plugins depending on the presence of mapping lines

You can suppress execution of I/O Plugins depending on the presence of mapping lines between I/O parameters and Guide Parts.

The following describes suppression of the I/O Plugin processing in the example of Operational Content shown below.

Figure B‒1: Example of Operational Content


If transition occurs from Process Node A to Process Node D in Operational Content in this figure, the I/O Plugins perform processing in the following order:

  1. outputToNode method of the I/O Plugin placed in Process Node B

  2. inputFromNode method of the I/O Plugin placed in Process Node B

  3. outputToNode method of the I/O Plugin placed in Process Node C

  4. inputFromNode method of the I/O Plugin placed in Process Node C

If you want to suppress the processing of the method executed in 1, confirm the following and then suppress the processing:

If you want to suppress the processing of the method executed in 4, confirm the following and then suppress the processing:

Note that if you do not want to suppress the processing of the method executed in 4, draw a mapping line to the input parameter of the I/O Plugin in Process Node C. This allows the processing to be performed without being suppressed.