
Hitachi Navigation Platform Development Guide

7.3.1 logout method

This method logs out from Navigation Platform. If you have not logged in to Navigation Platform, nothing is performed.

To check the logout results, see the trace file. If an attempt to log out fails, the KDCZ18033-E message is output to the trace file.

The default storage directory of the trace file is as follows:

Storage directory

Navigation-Platform-installation-directory\logs\ucnp_trace[N].log ([N]: number of files)

Organization of this subsection

(1) Format

public static void logout(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response);

(2) Arguments

(a) request

Specify the JSP implicit object request. If any other value is specified, an error occurs.

(b) response

Specify the JSP implicit object request. If any other value is specified, an error occurs.

(3) Return values


(4) Exception
