
Hitachi Navigation Platform Development Guide

4.15 About use of plugins developed in old versions

I/O Plugins developed in a development environment for a version earlier than uCosminexus Navigation Developer 09-50 (referred to as a version earlier than 09-50) do not operate in Navigation Platform. If you want to use I/O Plugins developed in a version earlier than 09-50, you must develop them again, starting with creation of a template plugin.

Similarly, I/O Plugins developed in a development environment for a version of uCosminexus Navigation Developer 09-50 or uCosminexus Navigation Developer 09-60 (referred to as version 09-50 or later) do not operate in Navigation Platform. However, you do not have to re-develop I/O Plugins developed in version 09-50 or later because they can be migrated to new template plugins of Navigation Platform.

For details about the migration procedure, see C.1 Procedure for migrating plugins developed in old versions.


Operational Content associated with I/O Plugins developed in a version earlier than 09-50 cannot be imported to Navigation Platform. To import such Operational Content, you must first delete all relevant plugins in an environment that is a version earlier than 09-50.