
Hitachi Navigation Platform Development Guide

4.12.2 Procedure for measuring the memory usage for plugins

The following describes the procedure for measuring the memory usage.

Organization of this subsection

(1) Restarting Navigation Platform

  1. Use the npstop command (stop) to stop Navigation Platform.

  2. Use the npstart command (start) to start Navigation Platform.

(2) Executing Operational Content

  1. Log in to Navigation Platform.

  2. Select Operational Content for which you want to measure the memory usage.

  3. Click the Next button repeatedly to execute Operational Content to the end.

    If Operational Content contains multiple routes with branching, use the route that passes the node in which the plugin is placed.

    Note after execution is completed

    After execution of Operational Content, do not display another Operational Content or log out.

(3) Performing a GC (garbage collection)

  1. Execute the following command to acquire the process ID of the process that is using the RMI registry port of Navigation Platform:

    netstat -abo

    The following shows a command output example:

    Protocol  Local address  External address    Status           PID
     TCP       navipla:0     LISTENING      1876

    Check the PID on the line on which the local address port number is 24702. In this example, 1876 is the process ID of the process using the RMI registry port. If the RMI registry port is unknown, check the value specified for the ucnp.setup.server.cosminexus.ejbserver.rmi.naming.port property in the user setup property file ( The default is 24702.

  2. Use the following command to perform a GC:

    "Navigation-Platform-installation-directory\PP\uCPSB\jdk\jre\bin\javagc.exe" -p process-ID-of-the-process-using-the-RMI-registry-port

    When you execute the command, the message below appears. Enter y, and then press the Enter key.

    Force VM to execute GC: ? (y/n)

(4) Stopping J2EE applications for Navigation Platform and plugin

  1. Execute the following command to stop the J2EE application for the plugin:

    Navigation-Platform-installation-directory\PP\uCPSB\CC\admin\bin\cjstopapp uCNP_J2EE -name User-Plugin-name

    If there are multiple User Plugins, repeatedly execute this command until all plugins stop.

  2. Execute the following command to stop the J2EE application for Navigation Platform:

    Navigation-Platform-installation-directory\PP\uCPSB\CC\admin\bin\cjstopapp uCNP_J2EE -name ucnp

(5) Checking operating statistics

Check the JavaVM operating statistics file output to the following path:

Navigation-Platform-installation-directory\PP\uCPSB\CC\server\public\ejb\Navigation Platform-J2EE-server-name\stats\HJVMStats_YYYYMMDDhhmmTZ.csv

YYYYMMDDhhmm: Date and time that the operating statistics file is created

TZ: Time zone

If you open the operating statistics file in Excel, the memory usage when Operational Content was executed is output to cell AK. This value shows the maximum memory usage (unit: bytes) per session released from the Explicit heap in the last 60 seconds after the J2EE application for Navigation Platform stopped.

(6) Restarting Navigation Platform

  1. Use the npstop command (stop) to stop Navigation Platform.

  2. Use the npstart command (start) to start Navigation Platform.