
Hitachi Navigation Platform Development Guide

4.1.1 Editing the plugin information property file

A plugin information property file is a property file that defines the information required for creating template plugins. When you execute the template plugin creation command, files and folders are created based on the information defined in the plugin information property file.

Create a plugin information property file by editing the following sample file:


The file name after editing must be

Organization of this subsection

(1) Notes on creating a property file

The following describes the notes on creating a plugin information property file by editing the sample file:

(2) Property file description format

The following shows an example of property file description format. In the description below, empty character indicates a single-byte space, tab, or line feed.


(3) Details about the property keys used with all plugins

The following describes details about the property keys (specified in the plugin information property file) that are required for all plugins.

Specify a plugin ID. Make sure that the plugin ID is unique within the system. For a Suspend/Resume Plugin, you must always specify the fixed value ucnp.plugin.suspend.

Characters that can be used

Single-byte alphanumeric characters

Single-byte periods (.)

Single-byte underscores (_)

Important note

The following describes the restrictions on the combination of characters that can be used:

  • Only one Suspend/Resume Plugin can be specified within the system. Therefore, you must always specify the fixed value ucnp.plugin.suspend.

  • For I/O Plugins and Custom Window Plugins, you cannot specify a value ending with a period or beginning with ucnp. In addition, because plugin IDs are not case sensitive, you cannot specify UCNP or uCnp.

String length that can be specified

1 to 64 bytes

Specification example


Specify a plugin name. Make sure that the plugin name is unique within the system.

Characters that can be used

Single-byte alphanumeric characters

Prohibited plugin names

Plugin names beginning with ucnp (not case sensitive)



String length that can be specified

1 to 31 bytes

Specification example



Specify the plugin type.

Characters that can be used

For I/O Plugins: TYPE_IO

For Suspend/Resume Plugin: TYPE_SUSPEND

For Custom Window Plugins: TYPE_WINDOW


Specify the plugin version.

Characters that can be used

Single-byte alphanumeric characters

Single-byte periods (.)

Single-byte underscores (_)

Single-byte hyphens (-)

String length that can be specified

1 to 32 bytes

Specification example


Specify a Java package name.

Characters that can be used

Single-byte alphanumeric characters

Single-byte periods (.)

Character strings that are valid as Java package names

Character string not used for creating a directory that has the same name as a Windows reserved device name

Prohibited package names

Package names beginning with

String length that can be specified

1 or more bytes

However, make sure that the sum of the values specified for Java-package-name, plugin-ID, and I/O-action-controller-class-name, or Java-package-name, plugin-ID, and suspend/resume-action-controller-class-name is no more than 128 bytes.

Specification example


(4) Details about the property keys used with I/O Plugins

The following describes the property keys that must be set if you specify TYPE_IO for the userplugin.type property key.


Specify the I/O action controller class name. In 4.1.2 Executing the template plugin creation command, a controller class is created based on this class name.

Characters that can be used

Single-byte alphanumeric characters

Single-byte underscores (_)

Character strings that are valid as Java class names

Character strings that do not contain Windows reserved device names

Character strings that contain a unique value combined with a Java package name

String length that can be specified

1 or more bytes

However, make sure that the sum of the values specified for Java-package-name, plugin-ID, and I/O-action-controller-class-name is no more than 128 bytes.

Specification example



Specify the character string that identifies the I/O action controller class. Specify a unique value within the system. In 4.1.2 Executing the template plugin creation command, the I/O plugin XML file (ioaction.xml) is created based on this character string. Note that the I/O plugin XML file defines the information displayed in the Plugins palette and Plugin Parts in the Operational Content Editing Window. Generally, specify the same value as the ID of the template plugin to be created. However, you can specify a different value.

Characters that can be used

Single-byte alphanumeric characters

Single-byte periods (.)

Single-byte underscores (_)

Single-byte hyphens (-)

String length that can be specified

1 to 64 bytes

Specification example


(5) Details about the property key used with Suspend/Resume Plugins

The following describes the property key that must be set if you specify TYPE_SUSPEND for the userplugin.type property key.


Specify the suspend/resume action controller class name.

Characters that can be used

Single-byte alphanumeric characters

Single-byte underscores (_)

Character strings that are valid as Java class names

Character strings that do not contain Windows reserved device names

Character string containing a unique value combined with a Java package name

String length that can be specified

1 or more bytes

However, make sure that the sum of the values specified for Java-package-name, plugin-ID, and suspend/resume-action-controller-class-name is no more than 128 bytes.

Specification example


(6) Property file coding example

The following shows examples of coding plugin information property files.

For an I/O Plugin = example.inputdata = InputData
userplugin.type = TYPE_IO
userplugin.version = 01.00 = com.example.inputdata
userplugin.server.controller.ioaction = InputDataController
userplugin.server.controller.ioaction.type = example.inputdata

For a Suspend/Resume Plugin = ucnp.plugin.suspend = Suspend
userplugin.type = TYPE_SUSPEND
userplugin.version = 01.00 = com.example.suspend
userplugin.server.controller.suspend = SuspendActionController

For a Custom Window Plugin = example.contentslist = ContentsList
userplugin.type = TYPE_WINDOW
userplugin.version = 01.00 = com.example.customwindow