
Hitachi Navigation Platform Development Guide

3.1 Setting up Eclipse

The following shows the procedure for setting up Eclipse.

Important note

Use JDK version 8. However, you can use JDK version 5, 6, or 7 to create libraries that are to be referenced from plugins and custom windows.

By setting up Eclipse according to the following procedure, you can use JDK version 8, which is included in Hitachi Navigation Platform for Developers.

  1. Copy the archive of Eclipse to any folder from the CD-ROM of Hitachi Navigation Platform for Developers or JP1/Navigation Platform for Developers.

  2. Extract the copied archive to a folder other than the Navigation Platform for Developers installation directory.

    This folder is referred to as the Eclipse installation directory hereafter.

  3. Add the following directory to the Path system environment variable:


  4. Edit the eclipse.ini file directly under the Eclipse installation directory.

    Information to add 1

    Add the following setting on a line before -vmargs:



    Information to add 2

    Add the following setting on a line after -vmargs:





    C:\Program Files\Hitachi\HNP\PP\uCPSB\jdk\bin\javaw.exe



    -Djava.endorsed.dirs=C:\Program Files\Hitachi\HNP\PP\uCPSB\jaxp\lib

  5. Execute eclipse.exe and then make sure that Eclipse starts.

    At this time, make sure that a path under the Navigation Platform for Developers installation directory is not specified for the workspace.