
Hitachi Navigation Platform Development Guide

2.3.3 Data that can be passed by I/O Plugins

Data that can be received by plugins

When executing an I/O Plugin, you can receive data such as information about the transfer source or transfer destination node and the cache of Guide Parts mapped in the Plugin Part parameters. The data is passed as a parameter of the inputFromNode method or outputToNode method of IIoPluginController (server processing implementation interface).

Data returned by plugins

The following operations are possible by specifying the updated cache of Guide Parts mapped in the Plugin Part parameters and error information for the data to be returned by plugins:

  • Display alerts for users

  • Highlight the item for which an invalid value is entered, and then suppress node transition

Make sure that the data is returned as a return value of the inputFromNode method or outputToNode method of IIoPluginController (server processing implementation interface).

For details about data that can be passed with I/O Plugins and, see the following in 5.2 IIoPluginController (server processing implementation interface):