
Hitachi Navigation Platform Setup and Operations Guide

10.1.2 Corrective action if a startup error occurs after setup

When an attempt is made to start Navigation Platform, an error message might be output, resulting in a startup failure.

The following explains the cause of this problem and the corrective action.


If the ucnp.setup.server.cosminexus.hws.http.port property value has been set to the default value of 80, the same port number might be in use by another program, such as a web server.

Corrective action

Either change the other web server's port number or change the port number of Navigation Platform from the default value.

The following explains the details of each corrective action.

To change another web server's port number

Use the following procedure to change another web server's port number if it duplicates the port number of Navigation Platform:

  1. Execute the npunsetup command (unsetup).

  2. Identify the process that is using the same port number (by, for example, using the netstat command).

  3. Terminate the identified process and then change the port number of the other web server.

  4. Re-execute the npsetup command (setup).

To change the port number of Navigation Platform

Use the following procedure to change the port number of Navigation Platform:

  1. Execute the npunsetup command (unsetup).

  2. Change the ucnp.setup.server.cosminexus.hws.http.port property value in the user setup property file (

  3. Re-execute the npsetup command (setup).

Note that when the port number is changed, the URL is also changed. For details about the URL, see 2.1.3 URLs used to access Navigation Platform windows.