
Hitachi Navigation Platform Setup and Operations Guide

1.1 About Navigation Platform

Navigation Platform is a product that provides a visual representation of operation flows and procedures. It allows you to consolidate scattered procedure manuals into a single platform, and allows individuals to share their knowledge and know-how across the organization so that they can execute operations more accurately and efficiently.

Deployment of Navigation Platform can be expected to increase work efficiency and the accuracy of tasks that require judgments from the person in charge. Examples of such tasks include the following:

Consider the example of operational management and monitoring of systems. This requires prompt handling of issues in response to failures or inquiries from users, regardless of who handles them. However, how these issues are handled can vary widely depending on each person's skills and experience.

Applying Navigation Platform to such tasks helps minimize individual variation in the quality and efficiency of the work by providing a visual representation of the parts of the tasks that had previously been left up to the experience and intuition of the person in charge. Furthermore, because it is able to record operations in logs, Navigation Platform can keep track of how much time is spent on each task, which tasks are susceptible to mistakes, and similar information that is useful when reviewing and analyzing operations.

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