Nonstop Database, HiRDB Version 9 Description


Appendix B. Data Dictionary Tables

HiRDB creates and manages the data dictionary tables that store table, index, and other types of definition information. Data manipulation SQL statements are used to reference data dictionary tables in order to check and confirm table, index, and other types of definition information.

The following table lists the HiRDB data dictionary tables. For examples of SQL coding for referencing data dictionary tables and columns in the data dictionary tables, see the HiRDB Version 9 UAP Development Guide.

Table B-1 Data dictionary tables

No. Table name Contents Information coverage (per row)
1 SQL_PHYSICAL_FILES HiRDB file information (correspondence between HiRDB file system name and RDAREA names) One HiRDB file
2 SQL_RDAREAS Information such as RDAREA name, definition information, RDAREA type, number of tables stored, and number of indexes One RDAREA
3 SQL_TABLES Owner and table names of tables in a database (including dictionary tables) One table
4 SQL_COLUMNS Definition information related to a column, such as column name and data type One column
5 SQL_INDEXES Owner and index names of indexes in a database (including dictionary tables) One index
6 SQL_USERS Authorization identifier of the user who granted a user execution privilege and database access One user
7 SQL_RDAREA_PRIVILEGES RDAREA usage privilege status One RDAREA of One authorization identifier
8 SQL_TABLE_PRIVILEGES Table access privilege granting status One table of 1 authorization identifier
9 SQL_VIEW_TABLE_USAGE Name of base table on which a view table is based One view table
10 SQL_VIEWS View definition information One view table
11 SQL_DIV_TABLE Table division information (division condition and name of RDAREA for storage, as specified in CREATE TABLE) One table per n rows
12 SQL_INDEX_COLINF Name of column to which an index is assigned One index per n rows
13 SQL_DIV_INDEX Index division information (name of RDAREA for storage) One index per n rows
14 SQL_DIV_COLUMN BLOB type column division information (name of RDAREA for storage, as specified in CREATE TABLE) One column per n rows
15 SQL_ROUTINES Routine definition information One routine per row
16 SQL_ROUTINE_RESOURCES Information on resources used in a routine One routine per n rows
17 SQL_ROUTINE_PARAMS Parameter definition information in a routine One routine per n rows
18 SQL_TABLE_STATISTICS Table statistical information One table
19 SQL_COLUMN_STATISTICS Column statistical information One column
20 SQL_INDEX_STATISTICS Index statistical information One index
21 SQL_DATATYPES User-defined type information One user-defined type
22 SQL_DATATYPE_DESCRIPTORS Information on an attribute that comprises a user-defined type One attribute
23 SQL_TABLE_RESOURCES Resource information to be used in a table One resource
24 SQL_PLUGINS Plug-in information One plug-in
25 SQL_PLUGIN_ROUTINES Plug-in routine information One plug-in routine
26 SQL_PLUGIN_ROUTINE_PARAMS Parameter information of a plug-in routine One parameter information item
27 SQL_INDEX_TYPES Index type information One index type
28 SQL_INDEX_RESOURCES Resource information to be used for an index One resource information item
29 SQL_INDEX_DATATYPE Index item information One applicable information item (one step)
30 SQL_INDEX_FUNCTION Information on an abstract data type facility to be used for an index Information on One abstract data type facility
31 SQL_TYPE_RESOURCES Resource information to be used in a user-defined type One resource information item
32 SQL_INDEX_TYPE_FUNCTION Information on an abstract data type facility that can be used by an index for which index type has been defined One index per n rows
33 SQL_EXCEPT Information on index exception key values Exception key group of one index per n rows
Generation information on the HiRDB file system areas when the inner replica facility is being used
Windows edition:
Information used by the system (containing no data)
UNIX edition:
1 HiRDB file system area per row
Windows edition:
35 SQL_TRIGGERS Trigger information in schemas One trigger per row
36 SQL_TRIGGER_COLUMNS Event column list information on UPDATE triggers One event column data item per row
37 SQL_TRIGGER_DEF_SOURCE Definition source information on triggers One trigger definition source data item per n rows
38 SQL_TRIGGER_USAGE Resource information referenced by trigger action conditions One resource name referenced by the trigger action condition per row
39 SQL_PARTKEY Information on partitioning keys of matrix-partitioned tables One partitioning key data item per row
40 SQL_PARTKEY_DIVISION Information on partitioning condition values of matrix-partitioned tables One partitioning condition value data item per row
41 SQL_AUDITS Information on audit targets One event data item for an object or one user per row
42 SQL_REFERENTIAL_CONSTRAINTS Match state of referential constraints One constraint per row
43 SQL_KEYCOLUMN_USAGE Information on columns comprising foreign keys One column per row
44 SQL_TABLE_CONSTRAINTS Information on integrity constraints in schemas One integrity constraint per row
45 SQL_CHECKS Information on check constraints One check constraint per row
46 SQL_CHECK_COLUMNS Information on columns used by check constraints One column used by a check constraint per row
47 SQL_DIV_TYPE Partitioning key information on partitioning keys in matrix-partitioned tables, combining key range partitioning and hash partitioning One partitioning key per row
48 SQL_SYSPARAMS Information on the number of consecutive certification failures permitted and on password character string restrictions One setting item per row, or one permitted number of consecutive certification failure specifications, or one password character string restriction specification per n rows
49 SQL_INDEX_XMLINF Information on the substructure path comprising the index of substructure indexes One index per row
50 SQL_SEQUENCES Sequence generator information Data on one sequence generator per row