Nonstop Database, HiRDB Version 9 Description


6.8.10 Global buffer pre-writing

Global buffer pre-writing is a function that loads in advance data from a specified table or index into global buffers. The following figure provides an overview of global buffer pre-writing.

Figure 6-13 Overview of global buffer pre-writing


  • Global buffer pre-writing is not specified
    When a UAP accesses HiRDB immediately after HiRDB starts, data must be read from the table (a physical I/O occurs) because the global buffers do not hold any data. When data in this table is accessed later, pages from this table that have been written into global buffers are not read from the table. However, accesses to data on other pages must still be read from the table.
  • Global buffer pre-writing is specified
    Table data is written into global buffers in advance, so the table can be accessed without data having to be read from the table (no physical I/O occurs). Subsequent accesses to this table do not require that data be read from the table.
Organization of this subsection
(1) Advantages of global buffer pre-writing
(2) Execution method
(3) Considerations when using

(1) Advantages of global buffer pre-writing

Because reading of table and index data from specified tables is performed in advance, the global buffer hit ratio is improved. By specifying global buffer pre-writing before online operations or other activities are started of tables or indexes that you believe will be accessed frequently, you can expect to achieve a higher buffer hit ratio.

(2) Execution method

To enable global buffer pre-writing, specify the tables or indexes you wish to have pre-written into the global buffers, and execute the global buffer residence utility (pdpgbfon).

(3) Considerations when using

Consider the following points about using global buffer pre-writing: