Nonstop Database, HiRDB Version 9 Description


6.6.1 Startup and termination modes

Starting HiRDB is governed by the startup mode; closing HiRDB is governed by the termination mode. This section explains the startup and termination modes. For details about the HiRDB startup and termination procedures, see the HiRDB Version 9 System Operation Guide.

Organization of this subsection
(1) Startup modes
(2) Termination modes

(1) Startup modes

The following table shows the HiRDB startup modes.

Table 6-7 HiRDB startup modes

Startup mode Explanation Input command
Startup on a system basis Startup on a unit basis#1 Startup on a server basis#1
Normal startup This startup mode is used when the previous termination mode was normal termination. Information from the previous operation is not inherited, except for the following:
  • Replica status of replica RDAREA (UNIX edition only)
  • Statuses of RDAREAs that are shut down due to errors
pdstart pdstart -u
pdstart -x
pdstart -s
Restart This startup mode is used when the previous termination mode was one of those listed as follows; information from the previous operation is inherited:
  • Planned termination
  • Abnormal termination
  • Forced termination
For details about the information that is inherited during a restart, see Information inherited during a HiRDB restart in the HiRDB Version 9 System Operation Guide.
Forced startup#2 This startup mode is used to start HiRDB forcibly when it cannot be restarted. Information from the previous operation is not inherited during this process, so the database cannot be recovered; the HiRDB administrator must recover the database. pdstart
pdstart -u
pdstart -x

N: Not usable (this startup method cannot be executed).

#1: In the case of a HiRDB parallel server configuration, startup and termination can be executed on a unit basis or on a server basis.

#2: When HiRDB is started forcibly, all RDAREAs (including system RDAREAs) that were updated since the last time HiRDB was started will have been destroyed. Thus, when forced startup is used, the destroyed RDAREAs must be recovered with the database recovery utility (pdrstr). If the RDAREAs are not recovered, correct operation of HiRDB cannot be guaranteed. These RDAREAs can be recovered using the system log only. See the KFPS01262-I message that was output the previous time the pdstart command was used, and use as the input information to the database recover utility (pdrstr) the log file group name that was used at that time, which is shown in the message, as well as the system log that has been generated since then.

(2) Termination modes

The following table shows the HiRDB termination modes.

Table 6-8 HiRDB termination modes

Termination mode Explanation Input command
Termination on a system basis Termination on a unit basis Termination on a server basis
Normal termination Prohibits CONNECT requests, and terminates HiRDB after all user processes are finished.
If you cannot stop HiRDB by executing the pdstop command because a utility is active, the KFPS05074-E message is output. If a unit cannot be stopped, the KFPS05070-E message is output. In these cases, the pdstop command ends with return code 8.
pdstop pdstop -u
pdstop -x
pdstop -s
Planned termination Prohibits acceptance of transactions; terminates HiRDB after all users, including utilities, have disconnected. pdstop -P N N
Forced termination Terminates HiRDB immediately without waiting for completion of transactions being processed (these transactions become rollback targets# during a restart). pdstop -f pdstop -f -u
pdstop -f -x
Abnormal termination Termination mode in which HiRDB is terminated by an error. HiRDB terminates immediately without waiting for completion of transactions being processed (these transactions become rollback targets# during a restart). NA NA NA

NA: Not applicable.

N: Not usable (this termination method cannot be executed).

#: Transactions that are being processed become rollback targets during a restart, except in the following cases:

After HiRDB has been restarted, the HiRDB administrator must either recover the RDAREAs from backup copies or re-execute the utility. For details about the no-log mode, see the HiRDB Version 9 System Operation Guide. For details about the procedure for recovering RDAREAs when the no-log mode is being used, see the HiRDB Version 9 System Operation Guide.