Nonstop Database, HiRDB Version 9 Description


3.4.5 Defining an index for a table that contains data

Creation of an index for a table that contains a large amount of data (execution of the CREATE INDEX) is a time-consuming process that delays execution of other definition SQL statements.

The EMPTY option in the CREATE INDEX enables you to define an index without actually creating the index entries. Such an index is called an unfinished index. Because no index entries are created, execution of the CREATE INDEX terminates immediately and other definition SQL statements can be executed.

Because the index entries are not created, it is not possible to perform searches using an unfinished index or to update the columns in the table that define the unfinished index (an SQL error might result). The index entries can be created by executing the index re-creation facility (-k ixrc) of the database reorganization utility (pdrorg). When the index entries are created, the index is released from unfinished index status. Deleting all data in the table with the PURGE TABLE statement also resets indexes to the table from unfinished index status.

For details about how to use the EMPTY option, see the HiRDB Version 9 System Operation Guide.