Nonstop Database, HiRDB Version 9 Description


3.1.2 RDAREA creation

The following facilities can be used to create RDAREAs:

For details about RDAREA creation, see the HiRDB Version 9 Installation and Design Guide or HiRDB Version 9 System Operation Guide.

  • Pay particular attention to the value of the pd_max_rdarea_no operand. This operand specifies the maximum number of RDAREAs. If the number of RDAREAs exceeds the value of this operand, you can no longer start HiRDB normally.
  • For a HiRDB parallel server configuration, there are restrictions concerning the servers on which RDAREAs can be created, as shown in the table below. The figure following the table shows an example of an RDAREA configuration (for a HiRDB parallel server configuration).

    Table 3-2 Server machines on which RDAREAs can be created (for a HiRDB parallel server configuration)

    Type of RDAREA Server machine on which RDAREA is created
    Master directory RDAREA Server machine on which the dictionary server is running.
    Data dictionary RDAREA
    Data directory RDAREA
    Master directory LOB RDAREA
    Registry RDAREA
    Registry LOB RDAREA
    User LOB RDAREA Server machine on which a back-end server is running.
    List RDAREA
    User RDAREA

    Figure 3-2 RDAREA configuration example (for a HiRDB parallel server configuration)
