Scalable Database Server, HiRDB Version 8 UAP Development Guide


Appendix D.2 Contents of the Type Name Descriptor Area

Table D-1 shows what the Type Name Descriptor Area contains.

Table D-1 Contents of the Type Name Descriptor Area

Level number* Type name area name Data type Length (bytes) Description
1 SQLTNDA [Figure] 2+42[Figure]n Indicates the name of the entire Type Name Descriptor Area.
2 SQLTZ short 2 Specifies the number of retrieval items.
2 SQLTNVAR [Figure] 42[Figure]n Area composed of the authorization identifier and data type identifiers.
3 SQLSCHEMA [Figure] 10 Area storing information about the user-defined type authorization identifier.
4 SQLSCHEMAL short 2 The authorization identifier is set in this area. 0 is set if the data type of the corresponding retrieval item is not a user-defined type.
4 SQLSCHEMAC char 8 The authorization identifier is set in this area.
3 SQLTYPE [Figure] 32 Area storing information about the user-defined type data type identifier.
4 SQLTYPEL short 2 The length of the user-defined type is set in this area. 0 is set if a data type of the corresponding retrieval item is not the user-defined type.
4 SQLTYPEC char 30 The data type identifier of the user-defined type is set in this area.

[Figure]: Not applicable

* Level numbers indicate the set inclusion relationships of the Type Name Descriptor Area. For example, the level 2 data area is composed of the level 3 data areas.