Scalable Database Server, HiRDB Version 8 UAP Development Guide


17.10 Supported client environment definitions

Table 17-46 lists the client environment definitions that can be specified with the JDBC driver. The numbers in the list correspond to the numbers of the individual environment variables in 6.6.4 Environment definition information.

Table 17-46 Client environment variables that can be specified with the JDBC driver

No. Environment variable name Function Environment variable type
1 PDHOST Specifies the host name of the HiRDB server to be connected. System configuration
2 PDNAMEPORT Specifies the port number of the HiRDB server.
3 PDFESHOST Specifies the host name of the front-end server.
4 PDSERVICEGRP Specifies the server name of the single server or front-end server.
5 PDSRVTYPE Specifies the HiRDB server type.
6 PDSERVICEPORT Specifies the port number for high-speed connection.
8 PDCLTRCVPORT Specifies the client receive port number.
9 PDCLTRCVADDR Specifies the IP address or host name of the client.
19 PDUSER Specifies the authorization identifier and password. In UNIX, this environment variable can be omitted. User execution environment
20 PDCLTAPNAME Specifies UAP identification information (UAP identifier) of the UAP that accesses the HiRDB server.
23 PDDBLOG Specifies whether or not the database update log is to be retrieved when the UAP is executed.
24 PDEXWARN Specifies whether return codes with warnings are to be accepted from the server.
25 PDSUBSTRLEN Specifies the maximum number of bytes representing one character.
29 PDCLTGRP Specifies a client group name when the connection frame guarantee facility for client groups is used.
31 PDAUTORECONNECT Specifies whether or not the automatic reconnect facility is to be used.
32 PDRCCOUNT Specifies the number of times the CONNECT statement is retried by the automatic reconnect facility.
33 PDRCINTERVAL Specifies the CONNECT retry interval at which the automatic reconnect facility executes reconnect processing.
34 PDUAPENVFILE Specifies the UAP environment definition file that defines the execution environment if the UAP is to be executed in a separate environment.
35 PDDBBUFLRU Specifies whether the LRU method is to be applied to processing when a page accessed by the UAP is cached to the global buffer.
36 PDHATRNQUEUING Specifies that the client does not use the transaction queuing facility.
46 PDCWAITTIME Specifies the maximum time that the HiRDB client waits for a response from the HiRDB server after sending a request to the HiRDB server. System monitoring
47 PDSWAITTIME Specifies the maximum time that the HiRDB server waits for the next request from the HiRDB client to arrive after returning a response to the previous request from the HiRDB client.
This function monitors the time during transaction processing.
48 PDSWATCHTIME Specifies the maximum time that the HiRDB server waits for the next request from the HiRDB server to arrive after returning a response to the previous request from the HiRDB client.
This function monitors the time other than the transaction processing time.
49 PDCWAITTIMEWRNPNT Specifies the output timing of the SQL runtime warning information file when the SQL runtime warning output facility is used. The output timing is specified as a percentage of the maximum time that the HiRDB client waits, or as an amount of time.
54 PDCONNECTWAITTIME Specifies the maximum time that the HiRDB client waits for a response from the HiRDB server when it connects with the HiRDB server.
55 PDCLTPATH Specifies the storage directory for SQL trace files and error log files created by the HiRDB client. Troubleshooting
56 PDSQLTRACE# Specifies the size (bytes) of the SQL trace file into which SQL trace information for the UAP is to be output.
59 PDPRMTRC Specifies whether parameter information and retrieval data are to be output in the SQL trace information.
60 PDPRMTRCSIZE Specifies the maximum data length of the parameter information and retrieval data to be output in the SQL trace information.
62 PDUAPREPLVL Specifies output information for UAP statistical reports.
63 PDREPPATH Specifies whether UAP statistical report files are to be output to a different directory from the directory specified by PDCLTPATH.
64 PDTRCPATH Specifies the storage directory for dynamic SQL trace files.
66 PDSQLTEXTSIZE Specifies the size of the SQL statement to be output to the SQL trace.
68 PDRCTRACE Specifies the size of the output file for the UAP reconnect trace information.
69 PDWRTLNPATH Specifies the storage directory for files to which value expression values of WRITE LINE statements are to be output.
70 PDWRTLNFILSZ Specifies the maximum size of the files to which value expression values of WRITE LINE statements are to be output.
71 PDWRTLNCOMSZ Specifies the total size of the value expression values in WRITE LINE statements.
74 PDVWOPTMODE Specifies whether the access path information file is to be retrieved. Access path information file for the access path display utility
78 PDSTJTRNOUT Specifies whether UAP statistical information is to be output to a statistical log file for each transaction. Output unit for UAP statistical information
79 PDLOCKLIMIT Specifies the maximum number of lock requests that a UAP can issue to one server. Lock
80 PDDLKPRIO Specifies the deadlock priority value of the UAP.
81 PDLOCKSKIP Specifies whether an unlocked conditional search is to be performed.
82 PDFORUPDATEEXLOCK Specifies whether WITH EXCLUSIVE LOCK is to be applied to the lock option of SQL statements in which the FOR UPDATE clause is specified (or assumed).
83 PDISLLVL Specifies the data guarantee level of an SQL statement SQL-related
84 PDSQLOPTLVL Specifies optimization methods (SQL optimization options) for determining the most efficient access path by taking the database status into consideration.
85 PDADDITIONALOPTLVL Specifies optimization methods (SQL extension optimizing methods) for determining the most efficient access path by taking the database status into consideration.
86 PDHASHTBLSIZE Specifies the hash table size when hash join, subquery hash execution is applied in SQL optimization.
88 PDAGGR Specifies the maximum number of groups allowed in each server so that the memory size used in GROUP BY processing can be determined.
89 PDCMMTBFDDL When a definition SQL is to be executed in a transaction that is executing a data manipulation SQL, specifies whether the transaction is to be committed automatically before the definition SQL is executed.
90 PDPRPCRCLS Specifies whether an open cursor is to be closed automatically if a PREPARE statement reuses the SQL identifier that is using that open cursor.
92 PDDDLDEAPRP Specifies whether definition information of a table being used by a closed holdable cursor can be changed by another UAP between transactions.
94 PDDELRSVWDFILE Specifies the name of the SQL reserved word deletion file when the SQL reserved word deletion facility is used.
95 PDHJHASHINGMODE Specifies the hashing method when application of hash join, subquery hash execution is selected as the SQL extension optimizing option.
96 PDBLKF Specifies the number of rows to be sent in one transfer when the HiRDB server transfers retrieval results to the HiRDB client. Block transfer facility
97 PDBINARYBLKF Specifies whether the block transfer facility is to be applied when a table with a BINARY-type selection expression with a defined length exceeding 32,00 bytes is searched.
98 PDBLKBUFFSIZE Specifies the size of the server-client communication buffer used by the block transfer facility.
100 PDDBACCS When the inner replica facility is being used and an RDAREA that is not the current RDAREA is to be accessed, specifies that RDAREA's generation number. Inner replica facility
101 PDDBORGUAP Specifies whether to execute a UAP on the original RDAREA that is in online reorganization hold status. Updatable online reorganization
102 PDSPACELVL Specifies the space conversion level for data storage, comparison, and search processing. Data space conversion
106 PDCNSTRNTNAME Specifies the position of the constraint name definition when a referential or check constraint is defined. Referential and check constraints
107 PDBESCONHOLD Specifies whether the BES connection holding facility is to be used. BES connection holding facility
108 PDBESCONHTI Specifies the BES connection holding period when the BES connection holding facility is used.
109 PDRDABLKF Specifies the number of rows to be transferred in one transfer operation when retrieval results are transferred from a distributed server to a distributed client. Distributed database
117 PDPLGIXMK Specifies whether delayed batch creation of plug-in indexes is to be used. Plug-ins
118 PDPLUGINNSUB For details, see the manual for the target plug-in.
119 PDPLGPFSZ Specifies the initial size of the index information file for delayed batch creation of plug-ins.
120 PDPLGPFSZEXP Specifies the extension size of the index information file for delayed batch creation of plug-ins.
121 PDJDBFILEDIR Specifies the log file output destination for Exception trace logs in the Type4 JDBC driver. JDBC driver
122 PDJDBFILEOUTNUM Specifies the number of Exception trace logs that the Type4 JDBC driver outputs to the log file.
123 PDJDBONMEMNUM Specifies the number of Exception trace logs acquired in memory by the Type4 JDBC driver.
124 PDJDBTRACELEVEL Specifies the trace acquisition level for Exception trace logs in the Type4 JDBC driver.

The name of the SQL trace file is pdjsqlxxxxxxxx_ppppp_1.trc or pdjsqlxxxxxxxx_ppppp_2.trc.
xxxxxxxx: Name of connected server (up to 8 characters)
ppppp: Receive port number (5 characters) at the client side
This format is used even when the SQL trace file is acquired by the UAP statistical report facility (PDREPPATH specification) or by the SQL trace dynamic acquisition facility (PDTRCPATH specification). However, if the SQL trace file is acquired before connection to the FES or SDS, the file name becomes pdjsql1.trc or pdjsql2.trc.