Scalable Database Server, HiRDB Version 8 UAP Development Guide


16.13.4 PreparedStatement class

Table 16-26 lists limitations to the methods in the PreparedStatement class that are added in the JDBC2.0 basic standard.

Table 16-26 Limitations to the methods in the PreparedStatement class that are added in the JDBC2.0 basic standard

Method added in JDBC2.0 basic standard Limitation
setBlob For the JDBC driver, the method treats the JDBC SQL type as LONGVARBINARY.
setClob Unconditionally throws SQLException because the SQL CLOB type is not available.
setRef Unconditionally throws SQLException because the SQL structured type is not available.
setNull If the complete name of an SQL user-defined type is specified, the method unconditionally throws SQLException because the SQL structured type or the SQL array type is not available.
setObject Ignores the specified scale and obtains the value of scale from the actual value specified.