Scalable Database Server, HiRDB Version 8 UAP Development Guide


16.11 Connection information setup/acquisition interface

The JdbhDataSource, JdbhConnectionPoolDataSource, and JdbhXADataSource classes, which are provided by the JDBC driver, provide methods of setting/acquiring the connection information necessary for database connection, besides the methods specified by the JDBC2.0 Optional Package specification.

Table 16-18 lists the methods of setting/acquiring connection information.

Table 16-18 Methods of setting/acquiring connection information

Method Function
setDescription Sets the additional connection information needed by the database to be connected.
getDescription Acquires the additional connection information needed by the database to be connected.
setDBHostName Sets the host name of the HiRDB to be connected.
getDBHostName Acquires the host name of the HiRDB to be connected.
setEncodeLang Uses the specified encoding character code to convert data.
getEncodeLang Returns the encoding characters to be used for data conversion.
setUser Sets the authorization identifier.
getUser Acquires the authorization identifier.
setPassword Sets a password.
getPassword Acquires a password.
setXAOpenString* Sets an XA_OPEN character string.
getXAOpenString* Acquires an XA_OPEN character string.
setXACloseString* Sets an XA_CLOSE character string.
getXACloseString* Acquires an XA_CLOSE character string.
setRMID* Sets a resource manager identifier.
getRMID* Acquires a resource manager identifier.
setXAThreadMode* Sets a thread mode for using XA.
getXAThreadMode* Acquires a thread mode for using XA.
setCommit_Behavior Sets whether a cursor remains valid following COMMIT.
getCommit_Behavior Acquires whether a cursor remains valid following COMMIT.
setBlockUpdate Specifies whether or not multiple parameter sets are to be processed at one time.
getBlockUpdate Acquires a value indicating whether or not multiple parameter sets are to be processed at one time.
setLONGVARBINARY_Access Specifies the access method for a LONGVARBINARY database (column attribute is BLOB or BINARY).
getLONGVARBINARY_Access Acquires the access method for a LONGVARBINARY database (column attribute is BLOB or BINARY).
setSQLInNum Specifies the maximum number of input or input/output ? parameters in the SQL statements to be executed.
getSQLInNum Acquires the maximum number of input or input/output ? parameters in the SQL statements to be executed that has been set by setSQLInNum.
setSQLOutNum Specifies the maximum number of search items, output ? parameters, or input/output ? parameters in the SQL statements to be executed.
getSQLOutNum Acquires the maximum number of search items, output ? parameters, or input/output ? parameters in the SQL statements to be executed that has been set by setSQLOutNum.
setSQLWarningLevel Specifies the warning retention level that occurred during execution of SQL statements.
getSQLWarningLevel Acquires the warning retention level specified in setSQLWarningLevel.
setClear_Env Specifies whether or not the HiRDB client environment definition set as OS environment variables is to be ignored during database connection.
getClear_Env Acquires the environment variable invalidation setting specified by setClear_Env.

* These methods are provided by the JdbhXADataSource class only.
Organization of this section
16.11.1 setDescription
16.11.2 getDescription
16.11.3 setDBHostName
16.11.4 getDBHostName
16.11.5 setEncodeLang
16.11.6 getEncodeLang
16.11.7 setUser
16.11.8 getUser
16.11.9 setPassword
16.11.10 getPassword
16.11.11 setXAOpenString
16.11.12 getXAOpenString
16.11.13 setXACloseString
16.11.14 getXACloseString
16.11.15 setRMID
16.11.16 getRMID
16.11.17 setXAThreadMode
16.11.18 getXAThreadMode
16.11.19 setCommit_Behavior
16.11.20 getCommit_Behavior
16.11.21 setBlockUpdate
16.11.22 getBlockUpdate
16.11.23 setLONGVARBINARY_Access
16.11.24 getLONGVARBINARY_Access
16.11.25 setSQLInNum
16.11.26 getSQLInNum
16.11.27 setSQLOutNum
16.11.28 getSQLOutNum
16.11.29 setSQLWarningLevel
16.11.30 getSQLWarningLevel
16.11.31 setClear_Env
16.11.32 getClear_Env