Scalable Database Server, HiRDB Version 8 UAP Development Guide


15.8.2 Executing the SQL statement

This example creates a table named ex:

using System;
using Hitachi.HiRDB;
namespace test_C
    class Sample
        static void Main(string[] args)
                // Create a Connection object
                HiRDBConnection cn = new HiRDBConnection("dsn=pc;");  ...1
                // Connect to the database
                // Create a Command object
                HiRDBCommand cm = new HiRDBCommand();
                // Create a table
                cm.Connection = cn;
                cm.CommandText = "create table ex (a int)";
                cm.ExecuteNonQuery();  ..................................1
                // Disconnect from the database
            catch (HiRDBException ex)
            catch (System.Exception ex)

  1. To execute an SQL statement, use the Execute method. Specify a string-type SQL statement as is in the CommandText property of HiRDBCommand. This method can execute most SQL statements. Special SQL statements such as commit cannot be executed by this method, as well as statements such as select that must receive a result set. To execute these SQL statements, use dedicated methods.