Scalable Database Server, HiRDB Version 8 UAP Development Guide


15.6 Notes about HiRDB.NET Data Provider

Table 15-2 gives notes about HiRDB.NET Data Provider.

Table 15-2 Notes about HiRDB.NET Data Provider

Object Method or property Details
HiRDBCommand CommandTimeout property The setting is ignored because the timeout value during execution depends on the settings in the client environment definition (PDCWAITTIME, PDSWAITTIME, PDSWATCHTIME).
Cancel method System.NotSupportedException is returned because there is no cancellation function.
ExecuteReader method When the CommandBehavior.KeyInfo, CommandBehavior.SchemaOnly, or CommandBehavior.SequentialAccess argument is specified, it is treated as CommandBehavior.Default because a function for acquiring only column or primary key information is not available.
UpdatedRowSource property When UpdatedRowSource.Both or UpdatedRowSource.FirstReturnedRecord is specified, HiRDBException is returned because there is no batch query function that returns rows.
HiRDBConnection Database property The null character always results because there is no function for acquiring database names.
State property ConnectionState.Connecting, ConnectionState.Executing, ConnectionState.Fetching, or ConnectionState.Broken will never result because this property is a reserved value for future product versions.
BeginTransaction method IsolationLevel is ignored, if specified, because this method is set for each SQL statement or acquired from HiRDB environment variables.
ChangeDatabase method System.NotSupportedException is returned because a function for changing the connected database is not available.
HiRDBDataReader Depth property Always 0 because there is no hierarchy concept.
GetBoolean method NotSupportedException is returned because there is no corresponding type.
GetByte method NotSupportedException is returned because there is no corresponding type.
GetChar method NotSupportedException is returned because there is no corresponding type.
GetData method NotSupportedException is returned because there is no corresponding type.
GetGuid method NotSupportedException is returned because there is no corresponding type.
NextResult method false is returned because there is no multiple record set function.
HiRDBParameter DbType property If DbType.Boolean, DbType.Currency, DbType.Guid, or DbType.VarNumeric is specified, HiRDBException is returned because there is no corresponding type.
Direction property If HiRDBCommand class's ExecuteNonQuery, ExecuteReader, ExecuteScalar, or Prepare method is executed while Direction.ReturnValue is specified, HiRDBException is returned because there is no function for acquiring the stored procedure's return value.
IsNullable property Acquisition only; setting is not available. (The null value can always be specified.)