Scalable Database Server, HiRDB Version 8 UAP Development Guide


15.5.4 HiRDBDataAdapter

Organization of this subsection
(1) Constructor
(2) Properties

(1) Constructor

(a) HiRDBDataAdapter

void HiRDBDataAdapter ()
Description: Initializes a new instance of the HiRDBDataAdapter class.

void HiRDBDataAdapter (Hitachi.HiRDB.HiRDBCommand)
HiRDBCommand selectCommand: HiRDBCommand object representing the SQL SELECT statement (SelectCommand property)
Description: Uses the specified HiRDBCommand to initialize a new instance of the HiRDBDataAdapter class.

void HiRDBDataAdapter (string, Hitachi.HiRDB.HiRDBConnection)
string selectCommandText: SQL SELECT statement
HiRDBConnection selectConnection: HiRDBConnection object representing the connection
Description: Uses the HiRDBConnection specifying the SQL SELECT statement to create HiRDBCommand (SelectCommand property). This constructor initializes a new instance of the HiRDBDataAdapter class.

void HiRDBDataAdapter (string, string)
string selectCommandText: SQL SELECT statement
string selectConnectionString: connection character string
Description: Uses a connection character string to create HiRDBConnection. The constructor then uses the created HiRDBConnection to create HiRDBCommand (SelectCommand property). This constructor initializes a new instance of the HiRDBDataAdapter class.

(2) Properties

(a) DeleteCommand

Type: HiRDBCommand

Default value: null

Description: Acquires or sets the SQL statement for deleting records from a data set.
(b) InsertCommand

Type: HiRDBCommand

Default value: null

Description: Acquires or sets the SQL statement for inserting new records in a database.
(c) SelectCommand

Type: HiRDBCommand

Default value: null

Description: Acquires or sets the SQL statement for selecting records in a database.
(d) UpDateCommand

Type: HiRDBCommand

Default value: null

Description: Acquires or sets the SQL statement for updating records in a database.