Scalable Database Server, HiRDB Version 8 UAP Development Guide


15.4.8 List of HiRDBParameterCollection members

Organization of this subsection
(1) Constructor
(2) Inheritance classes
(3) Properties
(4) Methods

(1) Constructor


(2) Inheritance classes

MarshalByRefObject, IDataParameterCollection, IList, ICollection, IEnumerable

(3) Properties

Member Function
Count Acquires the number of HiRDBParameter objects stored in HiRDBParameterCollection.
IsFixedSize Acquires a value indicating whether the size of HiRDBParameterCollection is fixed.
IsReadOnly Acquires a value indicating whether or not HiRDBParameterCollection is read only.
IsSynchronized Acquires a value indicating whether or not an access to HiRDBParameterCollection is synchronized (thread-safe).
SyncRoot Acquires an object that can be used to synchronize an access to HiRDBParameterCollection.

(4) Methods

Member Function
Add Adds items to HiRDBParameterCollection.
Clear Deletes all items from HiRDBParameterCollection.
Contains Acquires a value indicating whether or not HiRDBParameter is in the collection.
CopyTo Copies the elements of HiRDBParameterCollection to Array using Array's specific index as the start position.
GetEnumerator Returns an enumerator that can perform iterative operation on a collection.
IndexOf Acquires the location of HiRDBParameter in a collection.
Insert Inserts an item at the specified location in HiRDBParameterCollection.
Remove Deletes the first occurrence of the specified object in HiRDBParameterCollection.
RemoveAt Deletes HiRDBParameter from the collection.