Scalable Database Server, HiRDB Version 8 UAP Development Guide


15.4.5 List of HiRDBDataReader members

Organization of this subsection
(1) Constructor
(2) Inheritance classes
(3) Properties
(4) Methods

(1) Constructor


(2) Inheritance classes

MarshalByRefObject, IEnumerable, IDataReader, IDisposable, IDataRecord

(3) Properties

Member Function
Depth Acquires the value indicating the nesting level of the current row.
FieldCount Acquires the number of columns in the current row.
IsClosed Acquires the value indicating whether or not the data reader is closed.
RecordsAffected Acquires the number of rows changed, inserted, or deleted by execution of the SQL statement.

(4) Methods

Member Function
Close Closes the HiRDBDataReader object.
GetBoolean Acquires the value of the specified column as a Boolean value.
GetByte Acquires an unsigned 8-bit integer value in the specified column.
GetBytes Reads a byte stream as array into the buffer starting at the specified column offset relative to the specified buffer offset, which is the start position.
GetChar Acquires the character string value in the specified column.
GetChars Reads a character stream as array into the buffer starting at the specified column offset relative to the specified buffer offset, which is the start position.
GetData The purpose of this member is to support the .NET Framework infrastructure. It cannot be used directly in a unique coding that has been created.
GetDataTypeName Acquires data-type information for the specified field.
GetDateTime Acquires or sets the date and time data value in the specified field.
GetDecimal Acquires the fixed position value in the specified field.
GetDouble Acquires the double-precision floating-point number in the specified field.
GetEnumerator Returns the enumerator that can perform iterative operation on a collection.
GetFieldArrayCount Acquires the size of field array.
GetFieldType Acquires Type information corresponding to the type of Object that is returned from GetValue.
GetFloat Acquires the single-precision floating-point number in the specified field.
GetGuid Returns the GUID value of the specified field.
GetInt16 Acquires a signed 16-bit integer value in the specified field.
GetInt32 Acquires a signed 32-bit integer value in the specified field.
GetInt64 Acquires a signed 64-bit integer value in the specified field.
GetName Acquires the name of the field to be searched.
GetOrdinal Returns the index of the specified field.
GetSchemaTable Returns the DataTable that describes HiRDBDataReader's column metadata.
GetString Acquires a character string in the specified field.
GetValue Returns a value in the specified field.
GetValues Acquires all attribute fields in the current record collection.
IsDBNull Returns a value indicating whether or not the specified field is set to null.
NextResult Advances the data reader to the next result when the result of a batch SQL statement is read.
Read Advances HiRDBDataReader to the next record.