Scalable Database Server, HiRDB Version 8 UAP Development Guide


15.4.3 List of HiRDBConnection members

Organization of this subsection
(1) Constructor
(2) Inheritance classes
(3) Properties
(4) Methods

(1) Constructor


(2) Inheritance classes

Component, IDbConnection, ICloneable

(3) Properties

Member Function
ConnectionString Acquires or sets the character string that is used to open a database.
ConnectionTimeout Acquires the wait time for establishing a connection before retries are cancelled and an error is generated.
Database Acquires the name of the current database or the database that is used when a connection is established.
LifeTime Acquires or sets the time remaining before actual disconnection occurs.
Pooling Acquires or sets whether or not pooling is to be performed.
State Acquires the current connection status.

(4) Methods

Member Function
BeginTransaction Starts the database transaction using the specified IsolationLevel value.
ChangeDatabase Changes the current database for the open HiRDBConnection object.
Clone Creates a new object which is a copy of the current instance.
Close Closes the connection to the database.
CreateCommand Creates and returns the HiRDBCommand object associated with the connection.
Dispose Releases all resources used by HiRDBConnection.
Open Opens the database connection with the settings specified in the ConnectionString property of the HiRDBConnection object.