Scalable Database Server, HiRDB Version 8 UAP Development Guide


15.3 List of classes provided by HiRDB.NET Data Provider

HiRDB.NET Data Provider complies with ADO.NET specifications.

Table 15-1 lists and describes the classes provided by HiRDB.NET Data Provider.

Table 15-1 List of HiRDB.NET Data Provider classes

Class Function
HiRDBCommand Represents an SQL statement or stored procedure that is executed on a database.
HiRDBCommandBuilder Automatically creates a single table command to make a change to DataSet that has been associated with a database.
HiRDBConnection Represents an open connection to a database.
HiRDBDataAdapter Represents a series of data commands and database connections that are used to store data in DataSet and update a database.
HiRDBDataReader Provides a method for reading a forward stream in data rows from a database.
HiRDBException Represents an exception that is created when a warning or error is returned from HiRDB.NET Data Provider.
HiRDBParameter Represents a HiRDBCommand parameter and a map for DataColumn as an option.
HiRDBParameterCollection Represents a parameter collection associated with HiRDBCommand and a map of each parameter for DataSet columns.
HiRDBRowUpdatedEventArgs Provides data for a RowUpdated event.
HiRDBRowUpdatingEventArgs Provides data for a RowUpdating event.
HiRDBTransaction Represents a transaction that is executed on a database.