Scalable Database Server, HiRDB Version 8 UAP Development Guide


14.3 Schema information

Table 14-1 lists the schema information provided by the HiRDB OLE DB provider.

Table 14-1 Schema information provided by the HiRDB OLE DB provider

Type of OLE DB schema information Description Provided
ASSERTIONS Assertion information [Figure]
CATALOGS Catalog information [Figure]
CHARACTER_SETS Character set identification [Figure]
CHECK_CONSTRAINTS CHECK constraint identification [Figure]
COLLATIONS Character collation identification [Figure]
COLUMN_DOMAIN_USAGE Domain-dependent column information [Figure]
COLUMN_PRIVILEGES Column privilege information [Figure]
COLUMNS Column information P (required)
CONSTRAINT_COLUMN_USAGE Various constraint (reference, UNIQUE, CHECK) column information [Figure]
CONSTRAINT_TABLE_USAGE Various constraint (reference, UNIQUE, CHECK) table information [Figure]
FOREIGN_KEYS External key information [Figure]
INDEXES Index information P
KEY_COLUMN_USAGE Key column information [Figure]
PRIMARY_KEYS Primary key information [Figure]
PROCEDURE_COLUMNS Column information for row set returned by procedure [Figure]
PROCEDURE_PARAMETERS Procedure parameter information P
PROCEDURES Procedure information P
PROVIDER_TYPES Provider data type identification P (required)
REFERENTIAL_CONSTRAINTS Reference constraints [Figure]
SCHEMATA Schema information P
SQL_LANGUAGES Match level for processing SQL installation and language type [Figure]
STATISTICS Statistical information [Figure]
TABLE_CONSTRAINTS Table constraints [Figure]
TABLE_PRIVILEGES Table privilege information P
TABLES Table information P (required)
TRANSLATIONS Character conversion identification [Figure]
USAGE_PRIVILEGES User privilege information [Figure]
VIEW_COLUMN_USAGE View column information [Figure]
VIEWS View information [Figure]

P: Provided.

[Figure]: Not provided.