Scalable Database Server, HiRDB Version 8 UAP Development Guide


13.4 ODBC functions provided by HiRDB

HiRDB provides ODBC functions, and you can access HiRDB on a server from a UAP that utilizes these ODBC functions. Table 13-2 shows the ODBC functions provided by HiRDB.

Table 13-2 ODBC functions provided by HiRDB

Classification ODBC functions ODBC2.0 driver ODBC3.0 driver
Provided? Expansion level Provided? Expansion level
Connection to data source SQLAllocEnv Y Core [Figure] [Figure]
SQLAllocHandle [Figure] [Figure] Y Core
SQLAllocConnect Y Core [Figure] [Figure]
SQLConnect Y Core Y Core
SQLDriverConnect Y 1 Y Core
SQLBrousConnect Y 2 Y 1
Driver and data source information acquisition SQLDataSources Y1 2 Y1 Core
SQLDrivers [Figure] [Figure] Y1 Core
SQLGetInfo Y 1 Y Core
SQLGetFunctions [Figure] [Figure] Y1 Core
SQLGetTypeInfo Y 1 Y Core
Driver option setting and acquisition SQLSetConnectOption Y 1 [Figure] [Figure]
SQLGetConnectOption Y 1 [Figure] [Figure]
SQLSetStmtOption Y 1 [Figure] [Figure]
SQLGetStmtOption Y 1 [Figure] [Figure]
SQLSetConnectAttr [Figure] [Figure] Y Core
SQLGetConnectAttr [Figure] [Figure] Y Core
SQLSetEnvAttr [Figure] [Figure] Y Core
SQLGetEnvAttr [Figure] [Figure] Y Core
SQLSetStmtAttr [Figure] 1 Y Core
SQLGetStmtAttr [Figure] 1 Y Core
Descriptor value setup SQLGetDescField [Figure] [Figure] Y Core
SQLGetDescRec [Figure] [Figure] Y Core
SQLSetDescField [Figure] [Figure] Y Core
SQLSetDescRec [Figure] [Figure] Y Core
SQLCopyDesc [Figure] [Figure] Y Core
SQL request creation SQLAllocStmt Y Core [Figure] [Figure]
SQLPrepare Y Core Y Core
SQLBindParameter Y 11 Y Core
SQLSetParam2 Y 1 [Figure] [Figure]
SQLGetCursorName Y Core Y Core
SQLSetCursorName Y Core Y Core
SQLDescribeParam Y 2 [Figure] [Figure]
SQLNumParam Y 2 [Figure] [Figure]
SQLParamOptions N 2 [Figure] [Figure]
SQLSetScrollOptions N3 2 N 2
SQL execution SQLExecute Y Core Y Core
SQLExecDirect Y Core Y Core
SQLNativeSql Y 2 Y Core
SQLDescribeParams [Figure] [Figure] Y 2
SQLNumParams [Figure] [Figure] Y Core
SQLParamData Y 1 Y Core
SQLPutData Y 1 Y Core
Execution result and execution result information acquisition SQLRowCount Y Core Y Core
SQLNumResultCols Y Core Y Core
SQLDescribeCol Y Core Y Core
SQLColAttributes Y Core Y Core
SQLBindCol Y Core Y Core
SQLFetch Y Core Y Core
SQLFetchScroll [Figure] [Figure] Y4 Core
SQLExtendedFetch N3 2 Y Core
SQLGetData Y 1 Y Core
SQLSetPos N3 2 Y4 1
SQLBulkOperations [Figure] [Figure] N 1
SQLMoreResults Y 2 Y 1
SQLError Y Core [Figure] [Figure]
SQLGetDiagField [Figure] [Figure] Y Core
SQLGetDiagRec [Figure] [Figure] Y Core
Data source system information acquisition SQLColumnPrivileges Y 2 Y 2
SQLColumns Y 1 Y Core
SQLForeignKeys Y 2 Y 2
SQLPrimaryKeys Y 2 Y 1
SQLProcedureColumns Y 2 Y 1
SQLProcedure Y 2 Y 1
SQLSpecialColumns Y 1 Y Core
SQLStatistics Y 1 Y Core
SQLTablePrivileges Y 2 Y 2
SQLTables Y 1 Y Core
SQL execution termination SQLFreestmt Y Core Y Core
SQLCloseCursor [Figure] [Figure] Y Core
SQLCancel Y Core Y Core
SQLTransact Y Core Y Core
SQLEndTran [Figure] [Figure] Y Core
Disconnection SQLDisconnect Y Core Y Core
SQLFreeConnect Y Core [Figure] [Figure]
SQLFreeEnv Y Core [Figure] [Figure]
SQLFreeHandle [Figure] [Figure] Y Core

Y: The applicable ODBC function is provided.
N: The applicable ODBC function is not provided.
[Figure]: Not applicable
1: Level 1
2: Level 2
Core: Core level

1 This function is provided by the drive manager.

2 Although the SQLSetParam function was included in SQLBindParameter beginning with ODBC 2.0, this function is provided to maintain compatibility with applications that do not support ODBC 2.0.

3 Because this function is installed in the ODBC2.0 cursor library, the range of functions specified by the cursor library can be used. To use SQLExtendedFetch, set up a cursor library. For details on setting up a cursor library, see 13.7 Setting cursor libraries.

4 To use these ODBC functions, you must use the cursor library provided by Microsoft.