Scalable Database Server, HiRDB Version 8 UAP Development Guide


12.3 Command executability

Some HiRDB commands can be executed from UAPs and some cannot. Table 12-1 shows whether each command is executable from UAPs.

Table 12-1 Command executability from UAPs

Type Command Description Executability from UAP
System operation pdadmvr Gets the HiRDB version information. E
pdcat Displays file contents. E
pdchgconf System reconfiguration command [Figure]
pdconfchk Checks system definitions. [Figure]
pdcspool Deletes troubleshooting information. E
pdgen Generates the system (system generator). [Figure]
pdgeter Acquires error information. [Figure]
pditvtrc Periodically gets the HiRDB status. E
pditvstop Stops periodic acquisition of the HiRDB status. E
pdjarsync Manipulates JAR files. E
pdlistls Displays list definition information. E
pdlodsv Reduces the size of the installation directory. [Figure]
pdls Displays HiRDB system status. E
pdmemsv Saves memory space. [Figure]
pdntenv Sets the HiRDB operation environment. [Figure]
pdobjconv Migrates SQL objects into 64-bit-mode HiRDB. E
pdopsetup Installs an additional HiRDB program product. [Figure]
pdsetup Registers or deletes a HiRDB system in the OS. [Figure]
pdsvhostname Displays the server host name. [Figure]
pdvrup Upgrades HiRDB. [Figure]
HiRDB file system pdfbkup Backs up the HiRDB file system. E
pdfls Displays HiRDB file system information. E
pdfmkfs Initializes a HiRDB file system area. E
pdfrm Deletes a HiRDB file. E
pdfrstr Restores the HiRDB file system. E
pdfstatfs Displays the status of a HiRDB file system area. E
Log files pdlogadpf Allocates a log file. E
pdlogatul Controls the automatic log unloading facility. [Figure]
pdlogchg Changes the status of a log file. E
pdlogcls Closes a log file. E
pdloginit Initializes a log file. E
pdlogls Displays log file information. E
pdlogopen Opens a log file. E
pdlogrm Deletes a log file. E
pdlogswap Swaps log files. E
pdlogsync Collects a synchronization point dump. E
pdlogucat Displays unload log file information. E
pdlogunld Unloads a log file. E
Status files pdstscls Closes an open status file. E
pdstsinit Initializes a status file. E
pdstsopen Opens a status file. E
pdstsrm Deletes a status file. E
pdstsswap Swaps status files. E
HiRDB startup and termination pdstart Starts a HiRDB system, unit, or server. E
pdstop Terminates a HiRDB system, unit, or server. E
Statistics log pdstbegin Starts output of statistical information. E
pdstend Stops output of statistical information. E
pdstjswap Swaps statistics log files. E
pdstjsync Copies the contents of the statistics log buffer to the statistics log file. [Figure]
RDAREAs pdclose Closes RDAREAs. E
pddbls Displays the status of RDAREAs. E
pdhold Shuts down RDAREAs. E
pdopen Opens RDAREAs. E
pdrels Releases RDAREAs from shutdown status. E
pddbfrz Executes frozen update of full HiRDB files in the user LOB RDAREA. E
pdrdrefls Displays related RD area information. E
Global Buffer pdbufls Displays global buffer information. E
pdbufmod Dynamically changes the global buffer. E
Transaction control pdcmt Commits a transaction. E
pdfgt Forcibly terminates a transaction. E
pdrbk Rolls back a transaction. E
pdtrndec Forcibly completes uncompleted transactions automatically. [Figure]
Process control pdcancel Forcibly terminates UAP and utility processing. E
pdchprc Changes the number of server process activations. E
pdkill Stops a process forcibly. [Figure]
pdpfresh Refreshes a server process. E
pdrpause Restarts the process service. [Figure]
Update to HiRDB update version pdprgcopy Copies the HiRDB update version. [Figure]
pdprgrenew Updates to the HiRDB update version. [Figure]
Update to HiRDB update version pdprgcopy Copies the HiRDB update version. [Figure]
pdprgrenew Updates HiRDB to the update version. [Figure]
HiRDB Datareplicator linkage pdrplstart Starts HiRDB Datareplicator linkage. [Figure]
pdrplstop Stops HiRDB Datareplicator linkage. [Figure]
Directory Server linkage facility pdgrprfl Refreshes user information and role information. [Figure]
pdusrchk Checks the user's compatibility with the Directory Server. E
Inner replica facility pddbchg Switches the replica status of the replica RDAREA. E
Updatable online reorganization pdorbegin Commits the database for online reorganization. E
pdorcheck Checks the application conditions for online reorganization. E
pdorchg Switches the current RDAREA for online reorganization. E
pdorcreate Creates a reflection environment for online reorganization. E
pdorend Executes reflection of online reorganization. E
Security audit pdaudbegin Starts audit trail acquisition. E
pdaudend Stops audit trail acquisition. E
pdaudrm Deletes audit trail files that are shut down. E
pdaudswap Swaps the current audit trail file. E
Connection security facility pdacunlck Unlocks the consecutive certification failure account lock state. [Figure]
HiRDB External Data Access facility pddbadset Sets up the HiRDB External Data Access Adapter. [Figure]
Real Time SAN Replication pdrisechk Checks the configuration of Real Time SAN Replication. [Figure]
pdrisedbto Inherits the Real Time SAN Replication database. [Figure]
pdriseset Sets the site status of Real Time SAN Replication. [Figure]
SQL trace acquisition pdclttrc Dynamically acquires an SQL trace. E
SQL object information display pdobils Displays statistical information for an SQL object. [Figure]
SQL compilation pdcbl COBOL preprocessor [Figure]
pdcpp C preprocessor [Figure]
pdocb OOCOBOL preprocessor [Figure]
pdocc C++ preprocessor [Figure]
Database creation pdinit Database initialization utility [Figure]
pddef Database definition utility [Figure]
pdload Database load utility E
pdsql* Interactive SQL execution utility [Figure]
pddefrev Generates a definition SQL statement. [Figure]
Database operations pdmod Database structure modification utility E
pdrorg Database reorganization utility E
pdexp Dictionary import/export utility [Figure]
pdrbal Rebalancing utility [Figure]
pdreclaim Free page release utility E
pdpgbfon Global buffer residence utility E
Tuning pdstedit Statistics analysis utility [Figure]
pddbst Database condition analysis utility E
pdgetcst Optimizing information collection utility [Figure]
pdvwopt Access path display utility [Figure]
Database error handling pdcopy Database copy utility E
pdbkupls Displays backup file information. E
pdrstr Database recovery utility E
Plug-in-related pdplgrgst Registers a plug-in. E
pdplgset Sets up a plug-in. [Figure]
pdreginit Registry facility initialization utility E

E: Can be executed from UAPs.

[Figure]: Cannot be executed from UAPs.

  1. The following commands cannot be used in the UNIX version:
    pdkill, pdntenv
  2. The following commands cannot be used in the Windows version:
    pddbadset, pdgen, pdgeter, pditvtrc, pditvstop, pdlodsv, pdmemsv, pdobjconv, pdopsetup, pdplgset, pdrisechk, pdrisedbto, pdriseset, pdrpause, pdsetup

* This command does not exist in the Windows version; instead, the HiRDB SQL Executer is used.