Scalable Database Server, HiRDB Version 8 UAP Development Guide


12.1 Overview

You can execute commands by specifying them in a UAP. The specified commands are executed at the HiRDB server. Such commands include HiRDB's operation commands, utilities, and OS commands.

You use COMMAND EXECUTE of SQL to execute commands from a UAP. Because execution of commands from a UAP is implemented by collaboration between the HiRDB client and HiRDB Control Manager - Agent, HiRDB Control Manager - Agent must be installed on the HiRDB server. For details about HiRDB Control Manager - Agent, see the respective README.TXT.

Command execution from a UAP can be used only if the UAP is written in C.

Figure 12-1 shows an overview of command execution from UAPs.

Figure 12-1 Overview of command execution from UAPs
