Scalable Database Server, HiRDB Version 8 UAP Development Guide


11.5.1 Return codes set by the distributed client

If an error occurs during execution of an SQL statement at a distributed server, the HiRDB of the distributed client sets a return code (SQLCODE) in the SQLCODE variable.

Table 11-12 shows the SQLCODEs that are set by the distributed client when errors occur at the distributed server.

Table 11-12 SQLCODEs set by distributed client when errors occur at distributed server

SQLCODE Description
-861 The distributed server returned a negative SQLCODE during remote database access.
-862 The distributed server returned an RDA error during remote database access.

Error information (return code or message text from the distributed server) that is returned from the distributed server is inserted into messages corresponding to the above SQLCODEs. However, because there are restrictions on the length of information that can be inserted into a message, sometimes only part of the message text returned from the distributed server is displayed.