Scalable Database Server, HiRDB Version 8 UAP Development Guide


11.3.1 SQL statements usable for remote database access

Any SQL statements that are supported by the distributed client facility can be used in accessing a remote database. Table 11-4 lists the SQL statements that are supported by the distributed client facility.

Table 11-4 SQL statements supported by distributed client facility

Type SQL statement
Data manipulation SQL CALL statement (call procedure)
CLOSE statement (close cursor)
DECLARE CURSOR statement (declare cursor)
DELETE statement (delete rows)
DESCRIBE statement (receive retrieval information)
EXECUTE statement (execute SQL statement)
EXECUTE IMMEDIATE statement (preprocess and execute SQL statement)
FETCH statement (fetch data)
INSERT statement (insert rows)
OPEN statement (open cursor)
PREPARE statement (preprocess SQL statement)
PURGE TABLE statement (delete all rows)*
SELECT statement (retrieve data)
UPDATE statement (update data)
Control SQL COMMIT statement (terminate transaction normally)
LOCK TABLE statement (lock table)*
ROLLBACK statement (cancel transaction)
Embedded language GET DIAGNOSTICS statement (get diagnostic information)

* The SQL statement is not supported for Solaris.