Scalable Database Server, HiRDB Version 8 UAP Development Guide


11.2.1 Rules governing distributed clients and servers

UAP creation is subject to rules governing distributed clients and servers; these rules are explained below.

Organization of this subsection
(1) Distributed client rules
(2) Distributed server rules

(1) Distributed client rules

(a) Syntax rules

The syntax of the SQL coded in the UAP is checked according to the grammar of HiRDB. If the distributed server is not an HiRDB, SQL statements that comply with the grammar of the distributed server cannot be used because they will not comply with the HiRDB grammar.

(b) Search data length restrictions

The data length that can be searched by an SQL statement is restricted depending on the size of the DF/UX reception buffer. You must be especially careful when you use the batch search function and when you search BLOB type data.

For details about the restrictions on the search data length depending on the DF/UX reception buffer size, see the manual Distributed Database System DF/UX.

(2) Distributed server rules

(a) Syntax rules

The distributed server checks syntax according to the SQL grammar of the distributed server. If the SQL of HiRDB does not conform to the grammar of the distributed server, the nonconforming SQL statements cannot be used. The following SQL statements are transferred from the client to the server in their original syntax; even though an SQL statement is coded in the same format for HiRDB and for the distributed server, functional differences between HiRDB and the distributed server may produce different execution results:

(b) Character code conversion rules

If the distributed server is XDM/RD, RDB1D2, or SQL/K, different character code sets are used in the distributed client and in the distributed server. This means that when character data is sent or received, the other side must convert the data. Also, when character string data is used for sorting, the data is sorted according to the character code order used by the server. For this reason, you must use care and note that the sort results may not match those produced when data is sorted according to the character code order at the client.