Scalable Database Server, HiRDB Version 8 UAP Development Guide


9.2.4 Executing the Java stored routine

To execute a Java stored routine, use the CALL statement or a function call. When the CALL statement or an SQL statement specifying the function call is executed, the Java method is called as the Java stored routine and executed at the server's Java virtual machine.

For details about the CALL statement and function calls, see the HiRDB Version 8 SQL Reference manual.

Figure 9-8 shows an example of executing a Java stored routine.

Figure 9-8 Example of Java stored routine execution


Organization of this subsection
(1) Java stored procedure
(2) Java stored function

(1) Java stored procedure

Use the CALL statement to execute a Java method as a Java stored procedure.

(2) Java stored function

Use an SQL statement specifying a function call to execute a Java method as a Java stored function.