Scalable Database Server, HiRDB Version 8 UAP Development Guide


6.6.6 Specifying client environment definitions for foreign table access

When the foreign server is a HiRDB or XDM/RD E2 server and a foreign table is to be accessed, the specification values of some client environment definitions also apply to the foreign server. There are also client environment definitions for which fixed values are always applied to the foreign server.

Foreign tables can be accessed (the HiRDB External Data Access facility can be used) when the HiRDB is the HP-UX or AIX 5L version.

Organization of this subsection
(1) When the foreign server is a HiRDB server
(2) When the foreign server is an XDM/RD E2 server

(1) When the foreign server is a HiRDB server

(a) Client environment definitions for which specification values are applied

The specification values of the following client environment definitions are also applied to the foreign HiRDB server:

(b) Client environment definitions for which fixed values are applied

For the following client definitions, fixed values are applied to the external HiRDB server:

(2) When the foreign server is an XDM/RD E2 server

(a) Foreign environment definition for which a fixed value is applied

For the following client environment definition, a fixed value is applied to the foreign XDM/RD E2 server: