Scalable Database Server, HiRDB Version 8 UAP Development Guide


4.16.1 Application criteria

If the HiRDB server is executing the system reconfiguration command* or update to the HiRDB update version*, the HiRDB client waits until that process ends. While the HiRDB client is waiting, the wait time is monitored based on the PDCWAITTIME time. If the PDCWAITTIME time is exceeded, the wait status is released and a PDCWAITTIME over error is returned to the UAP.

Depending on the execution timing, the HiRDB client is sometimes unable to detect that the system reconfiguration command or update to the HiRDB update version is being executed, and a communication processing error may occur. If you know ahead of time that the system reconfiguration command or update to the HiRDB update version is to be executed, use the automatic reconnect facility. If you use this facility, the HiRDB client can continue processing without returning an error to the UAP even if the system reconfiguration command or update to the HiRDB update version is being executed.

* The system reconfiguration command is executed with the pdchgconf command. Update to the HIRDB update version is executed with the pdprgcopy and pdprgrenew commands. For details about these operation commands, see the manual HiRDB Version 8 Command Reference.