Scalable Database Server, HiRDB Version 8 UAP Development Guide


3.3.3 Synchronization point setting and rollback

Table 3-6 explains setting synchronization points and handling transactions.

Table 3-6 Synchronization points and transactions

Synchronization point Set by: Handling transactions
Set points in UAP by executing SQL statements Executing COMMIT statement Validated1
Executing ROLLBACK statement Invalidated1, 2
Set points in HiRDB by executing SQL statements Executing definition SQL statements Validated1
Executing PURGE TABLE statement Validated1
Processing cannot be continued while executing SQL statements Invalidated3
Set points in HiRDB by terminating UAP UAP normal termination Validated
UAP abnormal termination Invalidated2

1 Cannot be executed in the OLTP environment. For details about synchronization point setting and rollback in the OLTP environment, see 3.3.4 UAP transaction management in an OLTP environment.

2 Results in implicit rollback; the following are major causes of implicit rollback:

3 When a transaction is invalidated, all transactions since the most recent synchronization point are invalidated.
  • Deadlock
  • RDAREA page shortage
  • Detection of RDAREA error or shutdown