Scalable Database Server, HiRDB Version 8 UAP Development Guide


3.2.2 Interface areas

Interface areas are used for exchanging information between HiRDB and a UAP. Table 3-2 lists the types of interface areas and their usage.

Table 3-2 Interface area types and uses

Area type Use Language
SQL Communications Areas For obtaining detailed information on SQL execution results. R1 R1
SQL Descriptor Areas
  • For sending to the system information on input variables that are resolved dynamically during UAP execution.
  • For receiving information of item to be retrieved from SQL statements that are preprocessed for the dynamic UAP execution.
  • For specifying column name data areas.
Column name data areas For receiving information of item to be retrieved from SQL statements that are preprocessed for the dynamic UAP execution. O O
Type name data areas For receiving user-defined data type names. O O
Embedded variables For transferring values (specified in SQL statements embedded in UAP). O O
Indicator variables For transferring values (specified in SQL statements embedded in UAP). O O
? parameters For transferring values from a UAP to the SQL statements that are preprocessed for the dynamic UAP execution. O O2

R: Required

O: Optional

1 These areas need not be declared, because they are expanded within the UAP when the SQL preprocessor is executed. For details about SQL preprocessor execution, see 8.2 Preprocessing.

2 An embedded variable and an indicator variable are used instead of a ? parameter.

For details about SQL Communications Areas and SQL Descriptor Areas, see A. SQL Communications Area and B. SQL Descriptor Area. For details about embedded variables, indicator areas, and ? parameters, see the HiRDB Version 8 SQL Reference manual.