Scalable Database Server, HiRDB Version 8 Description


7.6 Space conversion facility

In a data comparison, one double-byte space character and two single-byte space characters will be recognized as different data. Therefore, table data containing a mixture of double-byte and single-byte space characters can produce incorrect retrieval results.

The following data are recognized as being different:

The space conversion facility enables double-byte space characters and single-byte space characters to be intermixed in table data.

The double-byte space character being discussed here is coded as shown as follows. Two single-byte space characters are coded as X'2020'.

* NCHAR and NVARCHAR cannot be used if the character encoding is Unicode (UTF-8).
Organization of this section
(1) Space conversion levels
(2) Setting the space conversion level

(1) Space conversion levels

As shown in Table 7-6, three levels of space character conversion are provided by the space conversion facility.

Table 7-6 Space conversion levels

Level Explanation
Level 0 No space conversion.
Level 1 Converts as follows data spaces that occur in literals, embedded variables, and ? parameters in the data manipulation SQL or data spaces that are stored by utilities:
  • When a character string literal is being handled as a national character string literal, two single-byte space characters in succession are converted into one double-byte space character; in the case of a single occurrence of a single-byte space, no conversion is performed.
  • When a character string literal is being handled as a mixed character string literal, one double-byte space character is converted into two single-byte space characters.
  • During storage of data in a national character string-type column or during comparison of data with a national character string-type value expression, two single-byte space characters in succession in an embedded variable or ? parameter are converted into one double-byte space character; in the case of a single occurrence of a single-byte space, no conversion is performed.
  • During storage of data in a mixed character string-type column or during comparison of data with a mixed character string-type value expression, one double-byte space character is converted into two single-byte space characters.
Level 3 Adds the following processing to the processing of space conversion level 1:
  • During retrieval of data in a national character string-type value expression, one double-byte space character is converted into two single-byte space characters.

Figure 7-20 illustrates Level 1 processing. Figure 7-21 illustrates Level 3 processing.

Figure 7-20 Level 1 processing


Figure 7-21 Level 3 processing


(2) Setting the space conversion level

The desired space conversion level can be specified in the following operands:

For details about using the space conversion facility, see the HiRDB Version 8 System Operation Guide.