Scalable Database Server, HiRDB Version 8 Description
A UAP of a single HiRDB client can connect simultaneously to multiple HiRDB servers. This is called the multi-connection facility. The multi-connection facility enables a single application process at a HiRDB client to make multiple connections to a single HiRDB server. A single application process can also connect to multiple HiRDB servers. Each of the multiple connections is treated as an independent transaction (i.e., it is handled by the HiRDB server as though each connection were made from a separate process). Because a single UAP can make multiple connections, the number of UAPs to be executed can be reduced, thus reducing the overall memory requirements of the UAPs.
To use the multi-connection facility, a dedicated library that is provided must be linked. For details about the multi-connection facility, see the HiRDB Version 8 UAP Development Guide.
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