Scalable Database Server, HiRDB Version 8 Description
A file that stores system status information required by HiRDB for restarting the system is called a status file. The two types of status files are unit status files that store restart information for a unit and server status files that store restart information for a server. The HiRDB administrator should create status files for use in restarting HiRDB.
HiRDB operates with logical units of status files called logical files. A single logical file consists of two status files. Status files are duplexed in this manner, and the respective status files are distinguished by referring to them as file A and file B. HiRDB acquires the same system status information into both files, so that if one of the files fails, the other file can be used, thus maintaining system reliability. Figure 6-4 shows the organization of the status files.
Figure 6-4 Organization of status files
The pdstsinit command is used to create unit status files. Additionally, you specify the pd_syssts_file_name operand of the unit control information definition to create an environment in which unit status files can be used.
The logical file name of the status files and the names of the status files that belong to the logical file are specified in the pd_syssts_file_name operand.
For details about designing and creating unit status files, see the HiRDB Version 8 Installation and Design Guide. For details about using unit status files, see the HiRDB Version 8 System Operation Guide.
The pdstsinit command is used to create server status files. Additionally, you specify the pd_sts_file_name operand of the server definition to create an environment in which unit status files can be used. The logical file name of the status files and the names of the status files that belongs to the logical file are specified in the pd_sts_file_name operand.
For details about designing and creating server status files, see the HiRDB Version 8 Installation and Design Guide. For details about using server status files, see the HiRDB Version 8 System Operation Guide.
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