Scalable Database Server, HiRDB Version 8 Description


6.3.1 System log files

A file in which system log information is stored is called a system log file. System log refers to information on the history of database updating, which is commonly called a log (or journal in mainframe terminology). HiRDB collects system log information in system log files for use:

The HiRDB administrator should create system log files as a safeguard against failures, as well as for acquiring statistical information.

Organization of this subsection
(1) Organization of system log files
(2) System log file creation

(1) Organization of system log files

HiRDB operates with logical units of system log files called file groups. A file group consists of either one or two system log files. A configuration of two system log files is called a duplexed system log file. The respective system log files are distinguished by referring to them as file A and file B. When duplexed system log files are used, HiRDB acquires the same contents into both log files. Thus, if one of the files should fail, the other file can be used, thus maintaining system reliability. Figure 6-2 shows the organization of system log files.

Figure 6-2 Organization of system log files


(2) System log file creation

The pdloginit command is used to create system log files. Additionally, you specify the following HiRDB system definition operands to create an environment in which the system log files can be used:

For details about designing and creating system log files, see the HiRDB Version 8 Installation and Design Guide. For details about using the system log files, see the HiRDB Version 8 System Operation Guide.

Reference note
If you use either of the following environment setup support tools when you install HiRDB for the first time, system log files will be created based on the information you enter (the pdlogadfg and pdlogadpf operands will also be configured):
  • Simple setup tool
  • Batch file (SPsetup.bat)