Scalable Database Server, HiRDB Version 8 Description
By using abstract data types, which are user-defined types, together with various routines, you can uniquely define and use data with complex structures and perform operations on such data. When you define a column as having an abstract data type, you can conceptualize and model its data based on object-oriented concepts. In addition, by applying object-oriented software development techniques, you can reduce the workload for database design, UAP development, and maintenance.
HiRDB makes it possible to use definition SQL statements to define unique abstract data types and their structures. An abstract data type can be handled as a column data type in the same way as HiRDB's predefined data types, such as the numeric type and the character type. Operations on the values of abstract data types can also be defined as routines by using definition SQL statements. In a UAP, you can use a routine to code complex operations on abstract data types in SQL.
Abstract data types, routines, and their characteristic concepts are explained below by means of examples.
An example of managing and manipulating employee information in a database using an abstract data type is explained below.
Let's assume that employee information consists of such items as name, sex, date of employment, position, and salary. Let' also assume that image information such as an ID photo is also part of the employee information. Calculation of service years is one possible operation on employee information.
When this information is handled in a database, the abstract concept of employee in a data model can be considered to consist of attributes such as name, sex, employment date, position, ID photo, and salary, all of which are common to this concept. An operation such as calculation of service years for an employee can also be considered to be an operation that indicates an employee characteristic.
Employee can capture all these characteristics (attributes and operations) in a single concept.
In HiRDB, you can address as abstract concepts and handle in a database objects that exist in the real world, and then use abstract data types to define such concepts as data types.
Figure 3-32 shows a conceptual model based on real-world information and an abstract data type.
Figure 3-32 Conceptual model based on real-world information and an abstract data type
An abstract data type can be defined in a database using the CREATE TYPE definition SQL shown as follows.
CREATE TYPE t_employee ( Name CHAR(16), Sex CHAR(1), employment_date DATE, position CHAR(10), id_photo BLOB(64K), salary INTEGER, .... FUNCTION service-years ( p t_employee ) RETURNS INTEGER BEGIN DECLARE service_years INTERVAL YEAR TO DAY; SET service_years = CURRENT_DATE - p..employment_date; RETURN YEAR(service_years); END, .... )
In this way, the user can use an abstract data type to define new data types by specifying attributes and operations.
An abstract data type can be handled in the same way as the HiRDB system default data types, such as the numeric type and the character type. For example, the table STAFF_TABLE can be defined by the definition SQL shown below using the abstract data type t_employee as a column data type:
CREATE TABLE STAFF_TABLE ( employee_number INTEGER, employee t_employee ALLOCATE(id_photo IN(lobarea)) )
When the BLOB type is to be used as one of the attributes of an abstract data type, the user LOB RDAREA in which the data is to be stored must be specified with the ALLOCATE option in CREATE TABLE. In the example above, id_photo, which is an attribute of t_employee, is of the BLOB type, so ALLOCATE is used to store it in user LOB RDAREA lobarea.
Figure 3-33 shows a table called STAFF_TABLE, for which an abstract data type is defined.
Figure 3-33 STAFF_TABLE for which an abstract data type is defined
When an abstract data type is used, an application can handle the abstract data type values without knowing the detailed configuration of the individual attributes or the installed routines; it does this by using routines declared in that abstract data.
For example, it is possible to manipulate t_employee type values using the following data manipulation SQL:
SELECT employee_number, employee_name, service-years(employee) FROM STAFF_TABLE
Handling of values based on an abstract data type and using only an external interface without being concerned about the information in the values is called encapsulation.
Figure 3-34 shows encapsulation.
Figure 3-34 Encapsulation
By executing a function without arguments that is recognized by the same name as an abstract data type, HiRDB can generate values for that abstract data type.
For example, for the t_employee type, t_employee type values can be generated using the function t_employee().
A function that generates abstract data type values is called a constructor function.
BEGIN ... Start of SQL procedure. DECLARE p t_employee; ... Declares a t_employee type variable. SET p = t_employee(); ... Generates a t_employee type value and substitutes in the variable. SET = 'Michael Brown' ... Setting of attribute value through component specification. RETURN p; ... Returns the function's return value (returns a t_employee type value). END ... End of SQL procedure.
When CREATE TYPE is used to define an abstract data type in the database, HiRDB automatically defines a function such as t_employee() that has the same name as the data type but has no argument. Such a function is called the default constructor function.
The user may also define a constructor function.
A constructor function is defined by defining in a CREATE TYPE routine declaration a function that has the same name as the abstract data type to be defined and that uses the abstract data type as the return value type.
CREATE TYPE t_employee ( name CHAR(16), sex CHAR(1), employment_date DATE, position CHAR(10), id_photo BLOB(64K), salary INTEGER, FUNCTION t_employee( p_name CHAR(16), p_sex CHAR(1), p_employment_date DATE, p_position CHAR(10), p_id_photo BLOB(64K), p_salary INTEGER) RETURNS t_employee BEGIN DECLARE d_employee t_employee; SET d_employee = t_employee(); SET = p_name; SET = p_sex; SET d_employee..employment_date = p_employment_date; SET d_employee..position = p_position; SET d_employee..id_photo = p_id_photo; SET d_employee..salary = p_salary; RETURN d_employee; END, ... )
For example, using the user-defined constructor function t_employee() and the following data manipulation SQL, values can be generated and stored in a database:
INSERT INTO STAFF_TABLE VALUES ( 650056, t_employee(:name AS CHAR(16), :sex AS CHAR(1), :yrs AS DATE, :post AS CHAR(10), :picture AS BLOB(64K), :salary AS INTEGER) )
Figure 3-35 shows a table called STAFF_TABLE for which values are generated by constructor function t_employee() and inserted as column values.
Figure 3-35 STAFF_TABLE for which values are generated using a constructor function
Null values can also be applied to an abstract data type, in the same manner as with the HiRDB system default types. For example, executing the following data manipulation SQL for the aforementioned STAFF_TABLE places null values in the EMPLOYEE column:
INSERT INTO STAFF_TABLE(employee_number) VALUES(650056)
On the other hand, executing the following data manipulation SQL changes all t_employee type attribute values to null values (the column values of the abstract data type in which all attribute values are null values are regarded as values other than null values):
INSERT INTO STAFF_TABLE (900123, t_employee ())
Figure 3-36 shows the handling of null values in STAFF_TABLE for which an abstract data type is defined.
Figure 3-36 Handling of null values in STAFF_TABLE for which an abstract data type is defined
For example, executing the following data manipulation SQL retrieves the employee numbers of those employees whose values in the EMPLOYEE column are not null values (therefore, the employee numbers of those employees who have all of the t_employee type attributes as null values will not be retrieved):
Let's plan an operation for calculating an employee's service years with the company.
Operations for abstract data type values can be defined in HiRDB by using a routine declaration in CREATE TYPE. For example, an operation such as for calculating service years and compensation rate can be defined with the following definition SQL:
CREATE TYPE t_employee ( name CHAR(16), sex CHAR(1), employment date DATE, position CHAR(10), id-photo BLOB(64K), salary INTEGER, ........ FUNCTION service years ( p t_employee ) RETURNS INTEGER BEGIN DECLARE service_years INTERVAL YEAR TO DAY; SET service_years = CURRENT_DATE - p..employment date; RETURN YEAR(service_years); END, ....... )
In this way, routines defined for an abstract data type can be used for abstract data type values. For example, an SQL for retrieving the employee number and employee name of each employee with a service years value of 10 or more years can be described as follows:
SELECT employee number,, service years (employee) FROM STAFF_TABLE WHERE service years(employee) >= 10
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