Scalable Database Server, HiRDB Version 8 Description



This manual provides an overview and description of the functions of HiRDB Version 8, a scalable database server program product.

Intended readers

This manual is intended for users who will be constructing or operating HiRDB Version 8 ("HiRDB") relational database systems.

It is assumed that readers of this manual have the following:

Organization of this manual

This manual is organized as follows:

Chapter 1. Overview
Explains HiRDB features, system configurations, and access modes, and describes HiRDB option program products and other HiRDB-related products.

Chapter 2. Linking to HiRDB Option Program Products and Other HiRDB-Related Products
Explains the functions that can be implemented by linking HiRDB to HiRDB option program products and other HiRDB-related products.

Chapter 3. Database Logical Structure
Explains the logical structure of a HiRDB database (RDAREAs, schemas, tables, indexes, and expansion into an object relational database).

Chapter 4. Database Physical Structure
Explains the physical structure of a HiRDB database (segments, and pages).

Chapter 5. Database Access Using SQL
Explains the use of the SQL database manipulation language to manipulate data in HiRDB.

Chapter 6. HiRDB Architecture
Explains the architecture of HiRDB.

Chapter 7. Database Management
Explains how the HiRDB administrator manages a database.

Chapter 8. Error-handling Facilities
Explains error-handling facilities (system switchover facility and recovery-unnecessary front-end servers).

Chapter 9. Facilities Related to Security Measures
Describes facilities that provide support for database security measures (security facility, security audit facility, and connection security facility).

Chapter 10. Plug-ins
Provides an overview of the HiRDB plug-ins feature and explains its functions and the functions of HiRDB when the plug-ins feature is used.

Chapter 11. 64-Bit-Mode HiRDB
Explains HiRDB operation in the 64-bit mode, which is provided for support of large systems.

Appendix A. Functional Differences Between HiRDB Versions on Different Platforms
Explains the functional differences between HiRDB versions on different platforms.

Appendix B. Data Dictionary Tables
Explains the HiRDB data dictionary tables.

Appendix C. HiRDB Client and HiRDB Server Connectivity
Provides lists by platform of connectable and non-connectable HiRDB clients and servers.

Appendix D. Glossary
Explains the terms used in the HiRDB Version 8 manuals.

Related publications

This manual is related to the following manuals, which should be read as required.

HiRDB (for Windows)

HiRDB (for UNIX)

HiRDB (for both Windows and UNIX)

* This manual has been published in Japanese only; it is not available in English.

You must use the UNIX or the Windows manuals, as appropriate to the platform you are using.


Organization of HiRDB manuals

The HiRDB manuals are organized as shown below. For the most efficient use of these manuals, it is suggested that they be read in the order they are shown, going from left to right.


Conventions: Abbreviations

Unless otherwise required, this manual uses the following abbreviations for product and other names.

Name of product or other entity Representation
HiRDB/Single Server Version 8 HiRDB/Single Server HiRDB or HiRDB Server
HiRDB/Single Server Version 8(64)
HiRDB/Parallel Server Version 8 HiRDB/Parallel Server
HiRDB/Parallel Server Version 8(64)
HiRDB/Developer's Kit Version 8 HiRDB/Developer's Kit HiRDB Client
HiRDB/Developer's Kit Version 8(64)
HiRDB/Run Time Version 8 HiRDB/Run Time
HiRDB/Run Time Version 8(64)
HiRDB Datareplicator Version 8 HiRDB Datareplicator
HiRDB Dataextractor Version 8 HiRDB Dataextractor
HiRDB Text Search Plug-in Version 7 HiRDB Text Search Plug-in
HiRDB Spatial Search Plug-in Version 3 HiRDB Spatial Search Plug-in
HiRDB Staticizer Option Version 8 HiRDB Staticizer Option
HiRDB LDAP Option Version 8 HiRDB LDAP Option
HiRDB Advanced Partitioning Option Version 8 HiRDB Advanced Partitioning Option
HiRDB Advanced High Availability Version 8 HiRDB Advanced High Availability
HiRDB Non Recover Front End Server Version 8 HiRDB Non Recover FES
HiRDB Disaster Recovery Light Edition Version 8 HiRDB Disaster Recovery Light Edition
HiRDB External Data Access Version 8 HiRDB External Data Access
HiRDB External Data Access Adapter Version 8 HiRDB External Data Access Adapter
HiRDB Adapter for XML - Standard Edition HiRDB Adapter for XML
HiRDB Adapter for XML - Enterprise Edition
HiRDB Control Manager HiRDB CM
HiRDB Control Manager Agent HiRDB CM Agent
Hitachi TrueCopy TrueCopy
Hitachi TrueCopy basic
TrueCopy remote replicator
JP1/Automatic Job Management System 2 JP1/AJS2
JP1/Automatic Job Management System 2 - Scenario Operation JP1/AJS2-SO
JP1/Cm2/Extensible SNMP Agent JP1/ESA
JP1/Cm2/Extensible SNMP Agent for Mib Runtime
JP1/Cm2/Network Node Manager JP1/NNM
JP1/Integrated Management - Manager JP1/Integrated Management or JP1/IM
JP1/Integrated Management - View
JP1/Magnetic Tape Access EasyMT
JP1/Magnetic Tape Library MTguide
JP1/NETM/DM Manager
JP1/Performance Management JP1/PFM
JP1/Performance Management Agent for HiRDB JP1/PFM-Agent for HiRDB
JP1/Performance Management - Agent for Platform JP1/PFM-Agent for Platform
JP1/Performance Management/SNMP System Observer JP1/SSO
JP1/VERITAS NetBackup BS v4.5 NetBackup
JP1/VERITAS NetBackup v4.5
JP1/VERITAS NetBackup BS V4.5 Agent for HiRDB License JP1/VERITAS NetBackup Agent for HiRDB License
JP1/VERITAS NetBackup V4.5 Agent for HiRDB License
JP1/VERITAS NetBackup 5 Agent for HiRDB License
OpenTP1/Server Base Enterprise Option TP1/EE
Virtual-storage Operating System 3/Forefront System Product VOS3/FS VOS3
Virtual-storage Operating System 3/Leading System Product VOS3/LS
Extensible Data Manager/Base Extended Version 2
XDM basic program XDM/BASE E2
XDM/Data Communication and Control Manager 3
XDM Data communication control XDM/DCCM3
XDM/Relational Database XDM/RD XDM/RD XDM/RD
XDM/Relational Database Extended Version 2
VOS3 Database Connection Server DB Connection Server
DB2 Universal Database for OS/390 Version 6 DB2
DNCWARE ClusterPerfect (Linux Version) ClusterPerfect
Microsoft(R) Excel Microsoft Excel or Excel
Microsoft(R) Visual C++(R) Visual C++ or C++
Oracle 8i ORACLE
Oracle 9i
Oracle 10g
Sun JavaTM System Directory Server Sun Java System Directory Server or Directory Server
HP-UX 11i V2 (IPF) HP-UX or HP-UX (IPF)
Red Hat Linux Linux
Red Hat Enterprise Linux
Red Hat Enterprise Linux AS 3 (IPF) Linux (IPF) Linux
Red Hat Enterprise Linux AS 4 (IPF)
Red Hat Enterprise Linux AS 3(AMD64 & Intel EM64T) Linux (EM64T)
Red Hat Enterprise Linux AS 4(AMD64 & Intel EM64T)
Red Hat Enterprise Linux ES 4(AMD64 & Intel EM64T)
turbolinux 7 Server for AP8000 Linux for AP8000
Microsoft(R) Windows NT(R) Workstation Operating System Version 4.0 Windows NT
Microsoft(R) Windows NT(R) Server Network Operating System Version 4.0
Microsoft(R) Windows(R) 2000 Professional Operating System Windows 2000
Microsoft(R) Windows(R) 2000 Server Operating System
Microsoft(R) Windows(R) 2000 Datacenter Server Operating System
Microsoft(R) Windows(R) 2000 Advanced Server Operating System Windows 2000 or Windows 2000 Advanced Server
Microsoft(R) Windows ServerTM 2003, Standard Edition Windows Server 2003
Microsoft(R) Windows ServerTM 2003, Enterprise Edition
Microsoft(R) Windows ServerTM 2003 R2, Standard Edition Windows Server 2003 R2 or Windows Server 2003
Microsoft(R) Windows ServerTM 2003 R2, Enterprise Edition
64 bit Version Microsoft(R) Windows ServerTM 2003, Enterprise Edition (IPF) Windows Server 2003 (IPF) or Windows Server 2003
Microsoft(R) Windows ServerTM 2003, Standard x64 Edition Windows Server 2003 or Windows Server 2003 x64 Editions Windows (x64)
Microsoft(R) Windows ServerTM 2003, Enterprise x64 Edition
Microsoft(R) Windows ServerTM 2003 R2, Standard x64 Edition Windows Server 2003, Windows Server 2003 R2 or Windows Server 2003 x64 Editions
Microsoft(R) Windows ServerTM 2003 R2, Enterprise x64 Edition
Microsoft(R) Windows(R) XP Professional x64 Edition Windows XP or Windows XP x64 Edition
Microsoft(R) Windows(R) XP Professional Operating System Windows XP Professional Windows XP
Microsoft(R) Windows(R) XP Home Edition Operating System Windows XP Home Edition
Single server SDS
System manager MGR
Front-end server FES
Dictionary server DS
Back-end server BES

This manual also uses the following abbreviations:

Abbreviation Full name or meaning
ACK Acknowledgement
ADM Adaptable Data Manager
ADO ActiveX Data Objects
ADT Abstract Data Type
AP Application Program
API Application Programming Interface
ASN.1 Abstract Syntax Notation One
BES Back End Server
BLOB Binary Large Object
BOM Byte Order Mark
CD-ROM Compact Disc - Read Only Memory
CGI Common Gateway Interface
CLOB Character Large Object
CMT Cassette Magnetic Tape
COBOL Common Business Oriented Language
CORBA(R) Common ORB Architecture
CPU Central Processing Unit
CSV Comma Separated Values
DAO Data Access Object
DAT Digital Audio Taperecorder
DB Database
DBM Database Module
DBMS Database Management System
DDL Data Definition Language
DF for Windows NT Distributing Facility for Windows NT
DF/UX Distributing Facility/for UNIX
DIC Dictionary Server
DLT Digital Linear Tape
DML Data Manipulate Language
DNS Domain Name System
DOM Document Object Model
DS Dictionary Server
DTD Document Type Definition
DTP Distributed Transaction Processing
DWH Data Warehouse
EUC Extended UNIX Code
EX Exclusive
FAT File Allocation Table
FD Floppy Disk
FES Front End Server
FQDN Fully Qualified Domain Name
FTP File Transfer Protocol
GUI Graphical User Interface
HBA Host Bus Adapter
HD Hard Disk
HTML Hyper Text Markup Language
ID Identification number
IP Internet Protocol
IPF Itanium(R) Processor Family
JAR Java Archive File
Java VM Java Virtual Machine
JDBC Java Database Connectivity
JDK Java Developer's Kit
JFS Journaled File System
JFS2 Enhanced Journaled File System
JIS Japanese Industrial Standard code
JP1 Job Management Partner 1
JRE Java Runtime Environment
JTA Java Transaction API
JTS Java Transaction Service
KEIS Kanji processing Extended Information System
LAN Local Area Network
LDAP Lightweight Directory Access Protocol
LIP loop initialization process
LOB Large Object
LRU Least Recently Used
LTO Linear Tape-Open
LU Logical Unit
LUN Logical Unit Number
LVM Logical Volume Manager
MGR System Manager
MIB Management Information Base
MRCF Multiple RAID Coupling Feature
MSCS Microsoft Cluster Server
NAFO Network Adapter Fail Over
NAPT Network Address Port Translation
NAT Network Address Translation
NIC Network Interface Card
NIS Network Information Service
NTFS New Technology File System
ODBC Open Database Connectivity
OLAP Online Analytical Processing
OLE Object Linking and Embedding
OLTP On-Line Transaction Processing
OOCOBOL Object Oriented COBOL
ORB Object Request Broker
OS Operating System
OSI Open Systems Interconnection
OTS Object Transaction Service
PC Personal Computer
PDM II E2 Practical Data Manager II Extended Version 2
PIC Plug-in Code
PNM Public Network Management
POSIX Portable Operating System Interface for UNIX
PP Program Product
PR Protected Retrieve
PU Protected Update
RAID Redundant Arrays of Inexpensive Disk
RD Relational Database
RDB Relational Database
RDB1 Relational Database Manager 1
RDB1 E2 Relational Database Manager 1 Extended Version 2
RDO Remote Data Objects
RiSe Real time SAN replication
RM Resource Manager
RMM Resource Manager Monitor
RPC Remote Procedure Call
SAX Simple API for XML
SDS Single Database Server
SGML Standard Generalized Markup Language
SNMP Simple Network Management Protocol
SQL Structured Query Language
SQL/K Structured Query Language / VOS K
SR Shared Retrieve
SU Shared Update
TCP/IP Transmission Control Protocol / Internet Protocol
TM Transaction Manager
TMS-4V/SP Transaction Management System - 4V / System Product
UAP User Application Program
UOC User Own Coding
VOS K Virtual-storage Operating System Kindness
VOS1 Virtual-storage Operating System 1
VOS3 Virtual-storage Operating System 3
WS Workstation
WWW World Wide Web
XDM/BASE E2 Extensible Data Manager / Base Extended Version 2
XDM/DF Extensible Data Manager / Distributing Facility
XDM/DS Extensible Data Manager / Data Spreader
XDM/RD E2 Extensible Data Manager / Relational Database Extended Version 2
XDM/SD E2 Extensible Data Manager / Structured Database Extended Version 2
XDM/XT Extensible Data Manager / Data Extract
XFIT Extended File Transmission program
XML Extensible Markup Language

Log representations

The application log that is displayed by Windows Event Viewer is referred to as the event log. The following procedure is used to view the event log.

To view the event log:
1. Choose Start, Programs, Administrative Tools (Common), and then Event Viewer.
2. Choose Log, and then Application.
3. The application log is displayed. Messages with HiRDBSingleServer or HiRDBParallelServer displayed in the Source column were issued by HiRDB.
If you specified a setup identifier when you installed HiRDB, the specified setup identifier follows HiRDBSingleServer or HiRDBParallelServer.

Conventions: Diagrams

This manual uses the following conventions in diagrams:


1 In some figures, a program is enclosed in a simple rectangle (without the shading).

2 Input data files, unload files, and backup files can be stored on magnetic cassette tape (CMT) and digital audio tape (DAT), as well as on magnetic disk; only magnetic disk storage is described in this manual.

Conventions: Fonts and symbols

Font and symbol conventions are classified as:

These conventions are described below.

General font conventions

The following table lists the general font conventions:

Font Convention
Bold Bold type indicates text on a window, other than the window title. Such text includes menus, menu options, buttons, radio box options, or explanatory labels. For example, bold is used in sentences such as the following:
  • From the File menu, choose Open.
  • Click the Cancel button.
  • In the Enter name entry box, type your name.
Italics Italics are used to indicate a placeholder for some actual text provided by the user or system. Italics are also used for emphasis. For example:
  • Write the command as follows:
    copy source-file target-file
  • Do not delete the configuration file.
Code font A code font indicates text that the user enters without change, or text (such as messages) output by the system. For example:
  • At the prompt, enter dir.
  • Use the send command to send mail.
  • The following message is displayed:
    The password is incorrect.

Examples of coding and messages appear as follows (although there may be some exceptions, such as when coding is included in a diagram):

StoreDatabase temp DB32

In examples of coding, an ellipsis (...) indicates that one or more lines of coding are not shown for purposes of brevity.

Conventions in syntax explanations

Syntax definitions appear as follows:

StoreDatabase [temp|perm] (database-name ...)

The following table lists the conventions used in syntax explanations:

Example font or symbol Convention
StoreDatabase Code-font characters must be entered exactly as shown.
database-name This font style marks a placeholder that indicates where appropriate characters are to be entered in an actual command.
SD Bold code-font characters indicate the abbreviation for a command.
perm Underlined characters indicate the default value.
[ ] Square brackets enclose an item or set of items whose specification is optional.
| Only one of the options separated by a vertical bar can be specified at the same time.
... An ellipsis (...) indicates that the item or items enclosed in ( ) or [ ] immediately preceding the ellipsis may be specified as many times as necessary.
() Parentheses indicate the range of items to which the vertical bar (|) or ellipsis (...) is applicable.

Notes on Windows path names

Example: C:\win32app\hitachi\hirdb_s\spool\tmp

Example: pdinit -d "C:\Program Files(x86)\hitachi\hirdb_s\conf\mkinit"

However, double quotation marks are not necessary when you use the set command in a batch file or at the command prompt to set an environment variable or when you specify the installation directory. If you do use double quotation marks in such a case, the double quotation marks become part of the value assigned to the environment variable.

Example: set PDCLTPATH=C:\Program Files\hitachi\hirdb_s\spool

Conventions: KB, MB, GB, and TB

This manual uses the following conventions:

Conventions: Version numbers

The version numbers of Hitachi program products are usually written as two sets of two digits each, separated by a hyphen. For example:

The version number might be shown on the spine of a manual as Ver. 2.00, but the same version number would be written in the program as 02-00.

Important notes on this manual

The following facilities are explained, but they are not supported:

The following products and option program products are explained, but they are not supported: