uCosminexus Application Server, Web Service Development Guide


36.7 Operations and settings for the handler when the SOAP Header is included in the SOAP Message

In the handler, Web Service Implementation Class, and stub-based Web Service client, you can set up a SOAP Header that can be processed in the SOAP Message. Note that even if you set up SOAP Header in a Provider Implementation Class and a dispatch-based Web Service client, the SOAP Header cannot be processed.

In this section, the operations of the handler when a SOAP Message containing a SOAP Header is received will be described separately for the Web Service and the Web Service client. This section also describes the settings for the SOAP Header.

Organization of this section
36.7.1 Operations of the handler when the SOAP Header is included in the SOAP Message (in the Web Service)
36.7.2 Operations of the handler when the SOAP Header is included in the SOAP Message (in the Web Service client)
36.7.3 Setting the SOAP Header that can be processed