The following figure shows how to develop stub-based Web Service clients:
Figure 2-6 Procedure of developing a Web Service client (Stub-based)
- Acquiring a WSDL file (Or acquiring a public WSDL URL)
Acquire a WSDL file coding the meta data for the Web Service that you are trying to invoke, or if the Web Service that you are trying to invoke has the WSDL file URL public, acquire the URL.
- Executing the cjwsimport command (Generating Java sources)
Execute the cjwsimport command to generate Java sources, such as service class and SEI that are required for developing and executing the Web Service client, from the acquired WSDL file or the acquired WSDL file URL. Execute the cjwsimport command without specifying the -generateService option. For the cjwsimport command, see 14.1 cjwsimport command.
- Implementing a Web Service client
Use the generated Java source to implement a Web Service client. Compile the implemented Web Service client using the javac command. For implementing Web Service clients, see 3.6 Implementing Web Service clients.
- Invoking a Web Service
Execute the created Web Service client to invoke a Web Service.
For examples of the development of stub-based Web Service clients starting from the WSDL, see 4.5 Examples for deploying Web Service clients (Starting from WSDL).
For the examples of developing stub-based Web Service clients starting from SEI, see the following sections:
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