The functionalities of a JAX-WS engine are described based on the configuration of the SOAP Web services shown in the following figure.
Figure 1-1 Configuration of a SOAP Web service (POJO Web service)
Figure 1-2 Configuration of a SOAP Web service (EJB Web service)
Figure 1-3 Configuration of SOAP Web Services (Web service client that operates on a J2EE container)
- JAX-WS engine
A JAX-WS engine is a communication infrastructure of SOAP Web services. The JAX-WS engine is deployed on a Web Service machine and on a Web Service client machine, and plays the role of marshalling/ un-marshalling of the sent and received SOAP Messages.
- JAX-WS engine on the Web Service client machine
- The JAX-WS engine receives Java objects through JAX-WS APIs from the Web Service client, and generates SOAP request messages (marshalling). The generated SOAP request messages are sent to the Web services of invoking destination.
- Moreover, the JAX-WS engine receives SOAP response messages from Web services and generates Java objects (unmarshalling) . The generated Java objects are returned to the Web Service client.
- JAX-WS engine on the Web Service machine
- The JAX-WS engine receives SOAP request messages from the Web Service client, and generates Java objects (unmarshalling). At this stage, the JAX-WS engine discovers the target Web Service Implementation Class or the Provider Implementation Class, (discovery)and invokes a method for the operation (dispatch). (dispatch)The JAX-WS engine also receives Java objects from the target Web Service Implementation Class or the Provider Implementation Class, and generates SOAP response messages (marshalling). The generated SOAP response message is returned to the Web Service client that is the invoking source.
- Command
The commands are used for developing SOAP Web services. You can generate Java sources and WSDL required for implementing Web services and Web Service clients. Use the following commands for developing Web services using the JAX-WS engine:
- cjwsimport command
- apt command
- cjwsgen command
For using commands, see the chapter 14. Commands.
- Automatically generated class
Execute commands to generate Java sources. Implement Web services and Web Service clients by using the generated Java sources.
The APIs of the JAX-WS 2.2 specifications. Use the APIs of JAX-WS for developing Web services starting from a provider and developing dispatch-based Web Service clients. You can also use APIs for adding the handler framework and addressing functionality.
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