uCosminexus Application Server, Operation, Monitoring, and Linkage Guide


Appendix B.2 Settings for using the ORB functionality

This section describes the settings for using the ORB functionality.

You specify these settings on the host where the HA monitor will run when you execute the following processes:

Organization of this subsection
(1) Settings for the localaddr file and htc.clienthandleraddr file of the Smart Agent
(2) Settings for the agentaddr file, vbroker.agent.addr property, and environment variable OSAGENT_ADDR of the Smart Agent or processes connected to the Smart Agent
(3) Settings for the CORBA Naming Service
(4) Settings for the vbroker.se.iiop_tp.host key and vbroker.se.iiop_tp.scm.iiop_tp.listener.port key of J2EE server
(5) Settings for the environment variables
(6) Setting examples

(1) Settings for the localaddr file and htc.clienthandleraddr file of the Smart Agent

For starting the Smart Agent on cluster software, you set up the localaddr file and htc.clienthandleraddr file of each node. Note that the settings are different for the multi-homed host environment and for non multi-homed host environment.

The following table describes the settings for the localaddr file of the Smart Agent when a cluster environment is built on a multi-homed host environment or a non multi-homed host environment.

Table B-1 Settings for the localaddr file of the Smart Agent

Host environment on which the cluster service and Smart Agent are running Settings for the localaddr file of the Smart Agent
When Smart Agent is set as the target for node switching When Smart Agent is not set as the target for node switching
Multi-homed host environment
  • Fixed IP address (primary IP address)
  • IP address that you want to explicitly specify in the Smart Agent
  • Alias IP address

  • Fixed IP address (primary IP address)
  • IP address that you want to explicitly specify in the Smart Agent
Non multi-homed host environment
  • IP address (primary IP address)
  • Alias IP address

  • IP address (primary IP address)

The following points describe the detailed settings for each environment. The details on the htc.clienthandleraddr file are also described.

(a) Multi-homed host environment
(b) Non multi-homed host environment

(2) Settings for the agentaddr file, vbroker.agent.addr property, and environment variable OSAGENT_ADDR of the Smart Agent or processes connected to the Smart Agent

For communication between Smart Agents exist on different network domains or for communication between the Smart Agent and the processes connected to the Smart Agent present on different network domains, you must specify the settings for the Smart Agents or for the processes connected to the Smart Agents. Specify the settings in the agentaddr file, vbroker.agent.addr property, and the environment variable OSAGENT_ADDR of each node.

(a) Settings of the Smart Agents

For communications between the Smart Agents exist on different network domains and for setting up the Smart Agent as a target for node switching, you make sure to specify the Alias IP address in the agentaddr file of the Smart Agent that communicates with the target Smart Agent.

(b) Settings in the processes connected to Smart Agents

For starting a Smart Agent and the processes connected to the Smart Agent on different network domains and for setting a Smart Agent as a target for node switching, you make sure to specify the Alias IP address of the Smart Agent that becomes the target of node switching in either of the agentaddr file of the processes connected to the Smart Agent, vbroker.agent.addr property, or the environment variable OSAGENT_ADDR.

(3) Settings for the CORBA Naming Service

For setting the CORBA Naming Service as the target for node switching, you specify the start property of the CORBA Naming Service.

You set up the following start property in the nameserv command, and start the CORBA Naming Service:

-J-Dvbroker.se.iiop_tp.host = Alias-IP-address or Alias-host-name

Also, you apply the Alias IP address or Alias host name specified in this property in the following key settings of the usrconf.properties (user property file for J2EE server) file:

For details on the usrconf.properties file, see 2.4 usrconf.properties (User property file for J2EE servers) in the uCosminexus Application Server Definition Reference Guide. For starting the CORBA Naming Service using the nameserv command, see Appendix D.2 How to start the system in the uCosminexus Application Server Command Reference Guide.

(4) Settings for the vbroker.se.iiop_tp.host key and vbroker.se.iiop_tp.scm.iiop_tp.listener.port key of J2EE server

To set up the J2EE server as the failover target, specify the cluster IP address in the vbroker.se.iiop_tp.host key and start the J2EE server. Furthermore, use and manage the vbroker.se.iiop_tp.scm.iiop_tp.listener.port key of the usrconf.properties file in such a manner so that the same port number can be used for the port number that the J2EE server uses in all the nodes.

(5) Settings for the environment variables

To start the Smart Agent in the cluster environment, the following environment variable settings must be specified in the Smart Agent:

(6) Setting examples

The following figure shows an example of the IP address settings:

Setting examples 1

Figure B-1 Example of the IP address settings when the Smart Agent is set as a target for node switching

The points 1 to 5 in the figure are as follows:
  1. Specify 'hostA fixed IP address (A.A.A.A) subnet broadcast' and Alias IP address (C.C.C.C) subnet broadcast' in the localaddr file of hostA.
  2. Specify ' hostB fixed IP address (B.B.B.B) subnet broadcast' and Alias IP address (C.C.C.C) subnet broadcast' in the localaddr file of hostB.
  3. Specify 'Fixed IP address of client (F.F.F.F) subnet Alias IP address (C.C.C.C)' in the htc.clienthandleraddr file of hostA and hostB.
  4. Specify the environment variable 'OSAGENT_CLIENT_HANDLER_PORT' in the Smart Agent started on hostA and hostB.
  5. Specify the Alias IP address (C.C.C.C) in the agentaddr file of hostC.

Setting example 2

Figure B-2 Example of the IP address settings when Smart Agent is not set as a target for node switching

The points 1 to 6 in the figure are as follows:
  1. Specify 'hostA fixed IP address (A.A.A.A) subnet broadcast' in the localaddr file of hostA.
  2. Specify 'hostB fixed IP address (B.B.B.B) subnet broadcast' in the localaddr file of hostB.
  3. Specify 'Fixed IP address of client (F.F.F.F) subnet hostA fixed IP address (A.A.A.A)' in the htc.clienthandleraddr file of hostA.
  4. Specify 'Fixed IP address of client (F.F.F.F) subnet hostB fixed IP address (B.B.B.B)' in the htc.clienthandleraddr file of hostB.
  5. Specify A.A.A.A and B.B.B.B in the agentaddr file of hostC.
  6. Specify the environment variable OSAGENT_CLIENT_HANDLER_PORT in the Smart Agent that is running on hostA and hostB.