uCosminexus Application Server, Operation, Monitoring, and Linkage Guide


18.5.6 Server-compliant environment settings

In the server-compliant environment settings of the HA monitor, you define the environment for the executing server and the standby server to be operated on the node.

Define the server-compliant environment for mutual node switching system in the definition file called servers. The following table lists the contents to be set up in the server-compliant environment settings:

Table 18-4 Contents to be set up in the server-compliant environment settings (In the mutual node switching system)

Operand Setting contents
name Specify the shell script file for starting the logical server.
Example specification: /home/manager/hamon/bin/manager_apserver1_start.sh
alias Specify the server identification name. Specify the same name in the corresponding active node and spare node.
Example specification: AP1 (for active node 1 and spare node 1), AP2 (for active node 2 and spare node 2)
acttype Specify the server starting method. Specify 'monitor' to start the server using the HA monitor command.
termcommand Specify the shell script file for stopping the logical server.
Example specification: /home/manager/hamon/bin/manager_apserver1_stop.sh
initial Specify the server startup status.
  • For the active node
    Specify 'online'.
  • For the spare node
    Specify 'standby'.
disk Specify the special file name for the character type of the shared disk device.
Example specification: /dev/vg00 (for active node 1 and spare node 1), /dev/vg01 (for active node 2 and spare node 2)
lan_updown Specify whether to use the LAN status setup file. Specify 'use' since the LAN status setup file is used here.
fs_name Specify the absolute path name of the logical volume corresponding to the switched file system. Note that this setting is required only when $TPFS is used in the UNIX file.
Example specification: /dev/rdisk0
fs_mount_dir Specify the absolute path name of the directory to mount the switched file system. Note that this setting is required only when $TPFS is used in the UNIX file.
Example of specification: /hamon
patrolcommand Specify the shell script file for monitoring the Administration Agent process.
Example specification: /home/manager/hamon/bin/manager_adminagent_monitor.sh
servexec_retry Specify the retry frequency, when failure is detected. Specify '0' since the node is switched without retrying when failure occurs.
waitserv_exec Specify whether to wait for the completion of execution of the start command when executing the start completion process of the logical server. Specify 'yes' since the server waits for the completion of execution.

The examples of the servers file are described below:

Example of servers file (in the active node 1 (spare node 2) of Node 1)
An example of the servers file for the active node 1 (spare node 2) of Node 1 is as follows:
server name      /home/manager/hamon/bin/manager_apserver1_start.sh, 
    alias      AP1, 
    acttype    monitor, 
    termcommand  /home/manager/hamon/bin/manager_apserver1_stop.sh, 
    initial    online, 
    disk      /dev/vg00, 
    lan_updown   use, 
    fs_name    /dev/rdisk0, 
    fs_mount_dir  /hamon, 
    patrolcommand /home/manager/hamon/bin/manager_adminagent_monitor.sh, 
    servexec_retry 0, 
    waitserv_exec yes;
server name      /home/manager/hamon/bin/manager_apserver2_start.sh, 
    alias      AP2, 
    acttype    monitor, 
    termcommand  /home/manager/hamon/bin/manager_apserver2_stop.sh, 
    initial    standby, 
    disk      /dev/vg01, 
    lan_updown   use, 
    fs_name    /dev/rdisk1, 
    fs_mount_dir  /hamon1, 
    patrolcommand /home/manager/hamon/bin/manager_adminagent_monitor.sh, 
    servexec_retry 0, 
    waitserv_exec yes;

Example of servers file (in spare node 1 (active node 2) of Node 2)
An example of the servers file for the spare node 1 (active node 2) of Node 2 is as follows:
server name      /home/manager/hamon/bin/manager_apserver1_start.sh, 
    alias      AP1, 
    acttype    monitor, 
    termcommand  /home/manager/hamon/bin/manager_apserver1_stop.sh, 
    initial    standby, 
    disk      /dev/vg00, 
    lan_updown   use, 
    fs_name    /dev/rdisk0, 
    fs_mount_dir  /hamon, 
    patrolcommand /home/manager/hamon/bin/manager_adminagent_monitor.sh, 
    servexec_retry 0, 
    waitserv_exec yes;
server name      /home/manager/hamon/bin/manager_apserver2_start.sh, 
    alias      AP2, 
    acttype    monitor, 
    termcommand  /home/manager/hamon/bin/manager_apserver2_stop.sh, 
    initial    online, 
    disk      /dev/vg01, 
    lan_updown   use, 
    fs_name    /dev/rdisk1, 
    fs_mount_dir  /hamon1, 
    patrolcommand /home/manager/hamon/bin/manager_adminagent_monitor.sh, 
    servexec_retry 0, 
    waitserv_exec yes;
In this example, a directory on the shared disk is specified as the location for storing the status file of the in-process transaction service. Specify the location for storing the status file of the in-process transaction service in the ejbserver.distributedtx.ots.status.directory1 parameter of the <configuration> tag. The <configuration> tag exists in the logical J2EE server (j2ee-server) of the Easy Setup definition file that is used for the Smart Composer functionality of the Management Server.