uCosminexus Application Server, Operation, Monitoring, and Linkage Guide


17.3.3 Flow of the node switching process in the 1-to-1 node switching system

This subsection describes the operations and the process flow during the node switching in 1-to-1 node switching system.

Organization of this subsection
(1) Node switching operations
(2) Flow of node switching process

(1) Node switching operations

The following figure shows the node switching in a 1-to-1 node switching system. This figure describes an example in which failure occurs in node A and the system switches over to node B:

Figure 17-2 Node switching operations in the 1-to-1 node switching system


(2) Flow of node switching process

There are two node switching methods that you can apply in the 1-to-1 node switching system; one is automatic node switching method and the other is planned node switching method. The automatic node switching is a method in which the cluster software automatically switches the nodes. If a failure occurs in the executing node, automatic node switching occurs. On the other hand, the planned node switching is a method in which the operator switches the nodes in a planned manner during the node maintenance. The operator switches the nodes from the executing node, using the cluster software commands.

The following points separately describe the flow of the node switching process for automatic node switching and planned node switching:

(a) Flow of automatic node switching process

This subsection describes the flow of automatic node switching process of a 1-to-1 node switching system. This subsection describes the flow for switching to node B that is the standby node when failure occurs in node A that is the executing node.

The following figure shows the flow of automatic node switching process in a 1-to-1 node switching system in the Management Server:

Figure 17-3 Flow of automatic node switching process in the 1-to-1 node switching system of the Management Server


(b) Flow of planned node switching process

This subsection describes the flow of planned node switching process in a 1-to-1 node switching system. This subsection describes the process flow when you are using the cluster software commands to switch the executing node A into the standby node, and the standby node B into the executing node.

The following figure shows the flow of planned node switching process into a 1-to-1 node switching system of the Management Server:

Figure 17-4 Flow of planned node switching process in the 1-to-1 node switching system of the Management Server
